


1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Oekaki Link

Approval Pending


Impidimp x Jungela Fusion, Fairy/Grass type.

Will steal your kneecaps while you sleep and pawn them before you wake, just to buy yet another bit of gold jewelry for their collection. Magrat is a menace with an eye for all that glitters!

Design notes:
*Can unwrap their tentacles and walk around on them, Doc Oc style.
*The two tentacles that sprout from the top of their head are very long. In fact, they're the same as the outer set of tentacles that wrap over their shoulders.
*The second set - the set that curl at the ends - sprout from between their shoulder blades.
*The tentacle that wraps around their middle also sprouts from between their shoulder blades.
*Their tail is prehensile and strong; for all intents and purposes another tentacle.
*The tops of their boots button up, and when this is done they'll then reach nearly to Magrat's knees.
*Wings are tiny and flightless, but it doesn't stop Magrat from trying...
*Magrat's eyesight isn't very good - and they have no depth perception. They rely mostly on their hearing and sense of smell.