Mr. Morte a.k.a. Dr. Death



1 year, 8 months ago


Age: mid 40s

The main villain and serious threat to the teen heroes of Halcyon High School Stories. Dr. Death has a PhD in chemistry, biology, and physics.
Instead of putting these to good use, he uses them to plot wicked  schemes across the city. He is most famously known for the release of  modified animals, the recent prison break, and the death of Captain  Quantum.
Though he has been captured many times, he somehow always escapes soon after and is back to wreak havoc.
While his true identity is not known, there is one person he definitely isn't: the high school chemistry teacher, Mr. Morte who bears a striking resemblance, save for a moustache.

*note: in the future where Kenny and Chaz are from (2055), Dr. Death has become more than just a supervillain, he  is an evil dictator that rules over the country, after a massive attack  on the superheroes association. He works to eliminate any threat to his  empire, killing supers no matter their age. Due to this Kenny and Chaz  have post traumatic stress when dealing with anything related to Doctor  Death, and spent their time, in their time, hiding Kenny's superspeed, and hoping not to be discovered.