Arabella Davidson



1 year, 5 months ago


Arabella Davidson (adopted last name) The Bull

  • Experiment A2A83114
  • She doesn’t remember her parents much, and definitely not fondly. She neither remembers nor cares about her old last name, or her old first name, honestly.

Hero name: 

Caucasian and Japanese cis girl

Calloused, battered hands

Average height, maybe a bit on the short side, lean but way stronger than she looks.

Casual clothing, leaning on a bit baggy. Tends to wear large hoodies and dark eyeliner, when she feels like putting on makeup.

Simple costume


Danger: +3

Freak: +2

Savior: -1

Superior: +1

Mundane: -2


Experiment A2A83114’s only memories of her ‘parents’ are of their neglect and abuse, but she also remembers the night they handed her off to The Factory--for a handsome sum of money, of course. At The Factory, she and hundreds of other discarded children were experimented on, each subjected to a serum that changed their bodies and possibly their minds, gave them inhuman strength far more than any child should be trusted with. Then they were set loose on each other, pitted against one another to fight for the title of the strongest few. The top ranks would get the best food and special privileges, proper beds, warm showers. The bottom ranks clambered to not be in the bottom ten at the end of the month--the bottom ten always vanished.

A2A83114 fought with tooth and nail and quickly found herself just under the top spots, eventually beating her way to the number one spot. Top ten wasn’t as cushy a life as she’d imagined, however, as being top ten just meant fighting in rings for The Factory’s rich donors, and being subjected to more tortuous tests and experiments. First place, last place, none of it mattered--The Factory was a hellscape. 

One night she managed to escape, busting through the locks and the security system before slipping out of the arena’s skylight, all while the head scientists slept. She lived on the streets for months, dumpster diving and fighting in underground boxing rings to survive. Until she was found by Kiana Davidson, who convinced her parents to take her in and get her into school. They gave her a new name, a new family, a new chance of life safe from The Factory. 

Arabella isn’t the smartest student around, with a whopping C-D average all through middle school, but no one dares to mess with her--one glare from her makes most people back off, but if that won’t do it, a few good punches will. She tends to stay distant, however, but secretly yearns for more friends underneath her stony demeanor. Most importantly, however, she’s willing to fight to ensure The Factory and its sick scientists are taken down one. By. One.