Ilai Eli



1 year, 5 months ago


✦ General ✦

Part of the worcimex closed species
Destined proffession is private detective, he likes it fine. He works in a small detective agency owned by a friend of his parents'. This friend firmly believes in Ilai's abilities, but is the only one - all their other collegues are very skeptical and treat them like an errand boy more than anything. Ilai doesn't mind, or perhaps doesn't notice, their disdain.

A regular at the coffee shop Miyu works at, they very quickly figured out Miyu's the famed thief everyone is after. However, they have decided to not do anything about it, yet.
For his part, Miyu is convinced he's fooled Ilai so good. 

✦ Persoanlity ✦

Quiet, stoid and standoffish, emotions don't really show on his face. Despite this, Ilai's has many emotions, more than he knows what to do with. He's very honest, and kind of blunt, doesn't read the room all too well. He's got a strong sense of right and wrong, though sometimes it's hard for others to decipher it.
He's stubborn as a mule once he's made up his mind, and easily becomes caught up on small details, not letting them go until he's gotten to the bottom of things. He gets praised for this when it comes to work, but belitteled when it comes to personal stuff.

✦ Notable traits ✦

  • Tall
  • Storage chip mutation - his core is a cresent moon on his back, between the shoulder blades
  • He/They
  • Has a sweet tooth
  • Will not drink coffee if it doesn't have a ton of sugar, whipped cream and a biscuit
  • The coat isn't part of his uniform

✦ Abilities ✦

Like all worcimex, can extend the bones on his body to protect his core and transform into the "uniform" for his fated proffession.

Ilai cooks really well, can run pretty fast and has a lot of stamina, though he's not very strong. He reads extremely fast and has a nearly photographic memory, really really good at untangling mysteries and motives. Very aware of his surroundings and the smallest details in them. Sometimes his deductions are based on observations, hard facts and logic; sometimes it's a Gut Feeling. Either way, he's rarely wrong.

✦ Masterlist entry ✦
coming soon I think