Samson Garcia



1 year, 5 months ago


The Sporty Bookworm

Called Samson Garcia

Gender Male

Sexual Orientation Demisexual

Romantic Orientation Homoromantic

Age 20

School Southern University of Savannah

Major Classical Literature
Position / Number Dealer / 18

HTML Pinky



No Friends


Lose Control

Lose You To Love Me


Height / Weight 5ft8 / 171lbs

Build Mesomorph

Eyes Apple Green

Skin Tone Lightly Tanned

Hair Color Blonde

Hair Style Cropped neat enough to not fall into his eyes but long enough to feel the wind blow it around.

Demeanor Serious

'Why would I do something without giving it my all?'

  • Dedicated
  • Awkward
  • Intelligent
  • Shy


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Samson was born to a single working mother who often had to leave him in the care of his uncle. The man was... less than good with Samson but hid it well from his mother. Never wanting to put extra strain on his mother, Samson never complained no matter what his uncle put him through. Instead he found his outlets in sport. At first it was just running and swimming; he didn't really know how to socialise with others and so team sports were daunting. In highschool he started to try out team sports so he didn't have to go home so early, he enjoyed hockey and basketball but he didn't have the height advantage in basketball so he leant towards hockey. Eventually he discovered Exy and honestly fell in love with how far it let him push his body. It was a pain he was in control of, if he was good enough at defence then an offenders body slamming into his own would not cause him too much injury but would make the sting of ache last in a way that made him feel alive.

Samson is a polite young man and often doesn't come across as the kind of person who would choose a sport with violence involved. He's likely to be the last one to give a viewpoint and even then it'll be a logical one rather than an opinion of sorts. He tries his best to stay kind, understanding that like him people probably have a lot going on behind the scenes that they don't want people to know about or judge... but sometimes he just doesn't get people and it shows in his conversations or misunderstandings of people's words.



Fiction or non-fiction. Samson enjoys spending his time learning about the world around him as well as vanishing into the imaginations of others.


While he doesn't get on with people all that easily, he slots into a team well and makes himself useful in any game that can give him the thrill of a good strain on his body. Exy has a good energy and he enjoys pushing his body to be as agile as possible to prevent as many scores as possible. His only solo sport that he adores is swimming.


They are often gentler and quieter than the guys that surrounded Samson in his life and he found them to be a peaceful place.


He's not very good at it, like at all, but he has yet to give up on his doodles and his sketch books.


Parties and crowds

Why does 'fun' have to include a hell of a lot of noise so he cannot talk to those who are in his company without getting sensory overload or yelling himself hoarse?


Samson is a vegetarian but not because he thinks it's cruel - mostly because he literally cannot stomach red meats and he once had chicken that put him off for life. Still, he does adore cheese so he couldn't be a vegan.

Being called 'pretty'

'Pretty boy' followed him throughout school and led to a few awkward to traumatising experiences he doesn't want to acknowledge or talk about but generally deals with rather well day to day.



Colour Palette

Favourite Food


Pretty much any type too. As a meat replacement, yes please. As a sauce, fuck yes. Chunks straight of the block, he'll eat it as a snack with no qualms.












