


6 years, 2 months ago


Basic info: Kitten is a member of a closed(?) species known as BooBoos. The creator of BooBoos kind of changed accounts, got rid of all the info on them, and from what I can tell, didn't bring any of it back up on their new account, so I'm assuming they abandoned the idea...? Either way, I still own the design of the character.

She's tiny, the perfect size to fit into the palm of your hand! I don't honestly have much of a personality for her; I just really love her design.

All of her fusions are small, too! a humanoid way. So, like...five feet tall kind of way.

Kitten's fusions:
-Kitten + Jane = Kanen (emo strawberry cat robot teen who loves to go to raves; her left eye is blue and her right eye is green; those strawberries are either tattoos (if her "skin" is skin) or painted on (if her "skin" is metal - I haven't decided yet); colour scheme is super neon)

-Kitten + Odyssey = Komodity (shy shark anthro that's rather optimistic)

-Kitten + Pearl = PawPrint (extremely happy-go-lucky kitty with a magick Pearl necklace)

-Kitten + Roger = Kigen (studious fox girl)

-Kitten + Samantha = Satan (despite her name, she's actually quite a sweetheart- perhaps a bit over-enthusiastic, but damn does she love to mingle)