Shin Higeki



1 year, 5 months ago


Shin Higeki

-main information about Shin Higeki-

-information about the Sixteen Birds and the inheritance-

-information about his bg-

-more detailed information- OPTIONAL

-main information about Shin Higeki-

Shin Higeki. A name which echoes through the underground quite frequently yet remains a myth to most minds together with the organization of the sixteen birds which falls under the control and leadership of Shin as well. Not only does the name ‘shin Higeki’ refer to ‘true tragedy’ but the overall design of this particular fella can be roughly compared to the design of the highest ranking chess piece the king, later in this wiki you will also find out why this is the case and what symbolic this truly has.. Lets start from the start shall we? Shin is the last descendant of a long line of inherited power which dates back to the ancient times, what exactly this power is is widely unknown however back then it was considered a blessing from above, the more generations bore this power the more and more it was considered a curse…a parasite..with goals beyond the comprehension of a simple human. In order to obtain this power from an unknown entity Shins ancestors were forced to make a deal with said being, it stating ‘ I bestow upon you the power of mind and body, in exchange I want nothing but the perseverance of my gift’ and what at first seemed like a free power to be obtained turned out to pay a terrible terrible price… The perseverance of the power meant that no matter what is happening to the host of the power, a heir must always exist until the power is satisfied with the one it is currently hosting in. Taking as example if a female heir is in possession of this power and has not created another heir in a certain amount of time then the power itself will create its own pregnancy, planting a clone of the original human into her with a 50/50 chance of it being male or female. Be it a clone pregnancy or a normal pregnancy between a male and female the power does not allow itself to die meaning if a couple or a female heir wants to terminate the fetus the power will simply pull energy out of the bones of the host and rebuild itself a new fetus over and over again and the more the woman tries to terminate the parasitic offspring the more the original power will be present in the child once its born in the shape of ugly deformities, horrendous inhuman appearances and most importantly brain anomalies, which is exactly what happened to shin. Shin was born by his desperate mother after she was impregnated by her own power and out of fear and desperation of what was happening tried to terminate shin 8 times before she gave up trying to stop it from happening, this caused shin to be born with a particularly strong connection to the elder power causing him to be born with vulture like eyes, pale white transparent skin, sharp shark like eyes and most importantly an chemical blockage in his brain causing him to be unable to experience human feelings or emotions. Because of this the doctor immediately assigned a boy to shin who had the ability to control electromagnetic impulses which could replace the chemicals he lacked in his brain. At the age of 15 he was finally able to undergo this therapy and upon experiencing humanity for the first time shin started to get obsessed with all of the feelings he could experience. Upon realizing that his therapeutic pillar bore the power to his humanity Shin abused the trust and love his pillar had for him and lured him into an abandoned factory near his home where he would lock him up and experiment on him until he found a way to extract the pillars power and convert it into a helmet allowing him to constantly experience emotions and humanity instead of just one hour sessions each day. After enduring weeks of torture the pillar passed away but not before blocking one impulse section in his power which allowed shin to experience love and attraction, lacking this one emotion drives Shin further into madness and megalomania later on. Having finally gotten ahold of something so precious as humanity shin started to see how humans treated this gift, abusing, betraying, hurting and not worshipping the very thing shin had to KILL for. This awoke a deep rooted anger within Shin and his ultimate goal had become to take away humans humanity leaving only him and a few loyal followers of his being the only beings in the world able to bathe in the novelty of emotions and feelings while all the ones naturally born with this gift would crawl back to him and beg him for their humanity back, wanting to teach them the value of what they have and keep the addiction of feelings all to himself. He was the founder of the largest underground organization up do date called ‘the sixteen birds’ which is responsible for the creation of terrifying animalistic mutants and strings of control slowly being planted across entire folks. 


Now we already heard quite a lot about Shins ability, however I never specified what exactly it was…so…what is it? I need you to pay attention here as it can get quite complicated if you don’t catch the details.. Shins ability is called Soul and Body as from the very beginning in which the bearers body is formed both the body and the soul are two completely separate entities. Aka better said, the soul is not locked into the mortal body unlike a normal mortal soul would be. Because of this reason in order to contain the soul without putting it at risk the soul of shin is split and contained into 16 separate mechanical pieces which can be seen integrated into his armor which is the reason that even is shins body is deceased his soul pieces continue living on even if they are unused giving shin a certain amount of immortality. Getting to shins ability now, he is able to take these mechanical pieces containing his soul and use them to insert his soul piece into something else, more specifically a deceased being. By tossing the mechanical ball onto the ground it will create a link connection between his mortal body and his soul as the piece is released and sickers into the ground below, whatever size appropriate deceased being the soul piece stumbles upon first will serve as its new host as the soul piece merges together with the preferably fossilized corpse. This will allow shin to exist in two separate bodies at once, don’t understand this wrong however! Shin does not simply control whatever his soul is possessing, no he IS whatever his soul is possessing meaning if he let his soul piece merge together with the fossil of a hare for example it would still be shin inside that rabbit, same memories, same personality, same issues just in another temporary body. The possessed fossil is not..just a generic fossil however as depending on what shin is possessing a energy based ability will be gifted to the fossil, taking the hare for example again, a hare fossil would gain the ability of skyjump which is when the hare has to run or jump as an escape or attack an impulse will be released from the rabbits hind legs together with a drastic increase of the bone of the rabbit, giving it an almost bipedal structure. This goes with every unique ability given to every fossil shin is able to take ahold of. There are a total of 16 pieces of his soul shin is able to use to build his undead army, however there are obvious drawbacks and limitations to this ability. The first being that depending on the size of the deceased being shin wants to transfer his consciousness into the more soul pieces he has to invest in order to be able to wield it. For example the largest fossil shin currently has as his ‘queen’ piece is the fossil of an ancient draconian species known as Prehityronto which are massive sixteen legged monsters who are the ancestors of modern draconian beings, in order to awaken it however Shin has to invest a total of 15 pieces which leaves his main body sluggish and barely conscious. That is one of the main drawbacks to housing such ability, the more soul pieces shin invests the more unconscious and vulnerable his main body becomes, for example the prehityronto would leave shin barely conscious and fighting to even take a step which means the prehityronto is primarily a defense creature since there is nothing else to defend his host body while the beast fought. The second drawback is the fact that when Shin recalls his soul pieces after being merged with a fossil the chance of him inheriting some of the memories the fossil had when it was alive is inevitable meaning he often experiences night terrors or sleep paralysis where he goes through the process of being mauled or bitten to death by a larger predator, this has given him major ptsd over the years and gave him prey like behavioristics which he tries to cover up by wearing predatory armor and the seven vulture eyes on his helmet. It is also important to mention that shins fighting style is heavily based on the playstyle of chess, even the fossils he summons all move like particular chess pieces with for example the hare being a pawn and the prehityornto being the queen herself. The more pieces he summons onto the field the more he himself will turn into the core piece ‘the king’ until at some point he looses so much of his consciousness that he can only move one step at a time just like the real chess piece making him reliant on the pieces he summoned for safety.


I think you may already have quite the image of Shins personality from everything I just told you above, however perhaps his personality may still be a surprise from you. From the very beginning since he was born Shin lacked the chemicals in his brain responsible for triggering feelings/emotions, because of this he was never able to be creative or experience artistic tendencies which is why he was so fascinated by mathematics and machinery, at a young age despite never visiting a school being able to solve complex mathematical problems with ease and invent tiny machines which he infused with his soul and body ability to create tiny rat mechas. He never longed to be able to feel, since he never experienced emotions he couldn’t miss them, however when he first got a taste of humanity thanks to the electromagnetic ability of his therapeutic pillar he became greedy and hungry for more. He wanted to feel more, wanted to have the taste of anger and happiness on his tongue more and bathe in the feeling of satisfaction and victory. After murdering his pillar and converting his electromagnetic ability into a helmet Shin kept certain aspects of himself but also experienced completely new ones. For example shin remained a mathematical genius and still lacks certain creative aspects since he couldn’t exactly control the strong emotions he felt just yet. However he also gained new aspects of himself, of course his emotionless and dull shell was removed and replaced with the sadistic, power creep of a person that he is today. Even after years of experiencing humanity and human emotions shin still finds it difficult to control these electromagnetic impulses, its as if his pillar was actively trying to work against him sometimes which means he could burst out laughing and joyful one moment but become bitter and angry the next second especially when stress is triggered within his body. However no matter how bad his helmet acts up you will never see shin scowl or frown, he will always wear an almost unsettling smile on his face with wide owlish eyes and a piercing gaze..if you get to see his face at all since it is mostly hidden behind the chess king mask that he wears on his head. His voice will never rise, he will never outright scream or yell at you yet his words are always carefully repositioned in his speeches to the point that his words alone can already convey the message and the intend behind it. Ever since he gained humanity he had shown incredibly talent for the manipulation of the mind, being able to get into peoples heads easily and print a false image of himself within their brain, tricking them for days, months, years, centuries until he can get close enough to get what he wants. Reading people and their intentions is something to be careful about when interacting with shin, he lives most of his life relying on the feelings of others to get around, and while his brain may not be fully functional it is foolish to assume that shin is dumb. So far shin has only truly found himself appreciating the presence of one person, that being his most loyal subordinate and his first in command Hizuishi who also serves as the doctor of the organization, he has helped shin on multiple occasions with medications against obsessive and harmful urges. Unlike normal humans, shin enjoys the feeling of extreme emotion, particularly anger and sadness, the way he is able to feel tears stream down his face and makes his body tremble with hatred is a sensation beyond anything else and he can sometimes be seen laughing through the emotions in an almost eerie manner, mumbling to himself about how alive he felt. Even when just watching shin move around it becomes scarily clear from the first moment on that shin is a calculated person, even his steps are placed with utter precision and every possible scenario is already well developed through his mind when interacting with a person. However, all of these appearances are supposed to hide the terrible physical condition in which shin finds himself in, his true eyes beneath his helmet are so incredibly sensitive to the light outside that he was diagnosed partially blind, only being able to fully see thanks to the mechanical eyes on his helmet, despite being muscular however shin bears a rather fragile body because of his soul not being fully connected to his body. This means that only a few hits to his main body could be enough to put him out of commission which is why shin bears so much armor on him despite it only serving minor protection to his body.

-information about the Sixteen Birds and the inheritance-

Starting off with the inheritance of Mind and Body. Mind and Body was first located in the ancient times when an unknown entity was summoned by the people who had their country infiltrated and robbed by humans across the sea. They summoned this entity and wanted to make a deal with it, wanting to bear its power in order to protect their land and win the raging war and of course the being agreed seeing as it itself needed such type of power in order to grow and become even more powerful. It had allowed the humans to bear its power under the only condition that the power given shall not die, shall not be lost in generations and instead every human bearing this power must have at least one heir. The humans of course saw this a gift from the entity and immediately agreed, the power was given to only three humans, two of which have died in the waging war with unknown documentations if any of them bore an heir, and the last one was the key to the ending of the war waged against the outsiders thanks to the ability of soul and body. The power had become a secret tool to determine royalty with every royal family in said country bearing this power up until the point where the revolution of the volk took the royalties down after primarily the kings had become too great megalomaniacs, at that point the power itself was demonized and everyone who bore it was said to face great darkness and this diagnosis remains relevant until the current point of time. The only difference being that the knowledge of the power of the unknown entity had been lost to time, all traces of its existence being terminated in hopes to prevent the last unknown heirs from ever discovering that they bore such destructive toxic abilities. Only a few inherited pharmacy businesses are still aware of this abilities existence and were also the one to help with shins birth…but lets get to the most disturbing part of this entire ordeal, shall we?

Keeping the inheritance running…what did the unknown entity mean by that? It meant that under no circumstance is this power allowed to get lost in time, the power needs to be carried on by a new heir every 25 years and if that does not happen then the consequence will kick in. You see, most powers you see are apart of their host, they aren’t individual thinking organisms who just listen to the host..however this power is despite being a energetic form. Taking the scenario of a female heir who does not have a partner and did not create a heir past the age of 25, at that time the power will force a new heir to be made out of the stem cells of the hosts body this process is the clone pregnancy consequence. An identical copy of the host will be created as a fetus in their womb and force the woman into a pregnancy, however to avoid a possible case of this scenario repeating the fetus will be influenced with hormones causing it to always be the opposite sex of the host it grows in. If a clone pregnancy is attempted to be terminated the power will simply create a new fetus over and over again from the same stem cells and bone marrow until it eventually gets less and less. The more a fetus gets terminated the more prominent the power will be within the fetus and the more deformities and genetic mistakes the fetus will have, this happened to the well known last heir Shin Higeki where his host body had tried to terminate 8 times out of fear and desperation for what she might create causing him to have red vulture like eyes,shark like teeth and some parts of his body have completely transparent skin letting the bones be viewed underneath. And of course I don’t have to talk about all of the mental problems shin was born with including the chemical disruption in his brain. Taking the scenario of a male heir who has not created a heir past the age of 25, this one is a little more complicated since obviously the male body is not in possession of a womb, however something similar happens to the clone pregnancy consequence. Instead of creating a fetus however the clone will be shaped out of the males own body, aka the body of an infant will grow on his own body until it is ready to live on its own. Just like the process of the female heir this infant can only be created as female as the male one obviously didn’t do its job well, same as the fetus of the female heir can only turn out to be male. Shin himself has already lived past the age of 25 however no new heir has started to sprout out of him, the reason for this is because the power deemed Shin as suitable inheritant because of his intelligence and goal which is to became the most powerful being in the world, this way the power will grow powerful enough to eventually grow itself a new body and revive the ancient entity more powerful than ever before while still being attached to shins mortal body. Most disturbingly, if a heir is killed during a pregnancy/cloning process the fetus/infant will KEEP GROWING despite the hosts being dead. The only way to truly stop this abomination of a power from keeping itself alive is to kill the host before a new pregnancy/cloning process is started. 

Sixteen birds

The sixteen birds, one hell of an organization lead by possibly one of the smartest leaders out there: Shin Higeki. The name of this organization sprouted from their founders power, the sixteen part referencing the sixteen soul pieces of Shin and at the same time the sixteen generations of heirs before shins own generation, the bird part of the name referencing taken freedom and how birds have their feathers trimmed for their own safety following the concept of how the sixteen birds have the goal of making experiencing motions and feelings a novelty only the ones truly deserving of it gaining that privilege from their great leader. While the sixteen birds have been confirmed to be the largest and most successful underground it is still widely unknown just who they are and even count as an urban legend in most major cities, people believing that the statistics of underground investigations and allegations against the sixteen birds having been faked reports and other organizations framing the made up organization, which is exactly what the sixteen birds are trying to archive. They themselves frame other organizations with the HIGHEST of precision to the point even finding evidence of them is considered an absolute rarity, reason for this is because each member of the sixteen birds first has to go through three years of extensive training before being able to leave the moving headquarters for the first time, adding to that for the first 3 years as an official member the are always accompanied by an highly experienced older member who watches what they are doing and if they cover up their traces the way they should. Now, what exactly do the sixteen birds stand for? Bear with me right now as this may be a little complicated. The majority of the members making up sixteen birds are people who have seen the cruelty of humans first hands. People who have been abused physically and mentally, are emotionally and mentally unstable, seek for someone to live under, seek for justice and a strong hand to lead them. All of these people have seen what humans are capable off when they cannot control themselves and their emotions, how much harm they do, how much pain they cause…how many lives they ruin for their own benefit. Shin and his subordinates are always on the lookout for people like that, often stalking them for months before they have their final breakdown and often approach them shortly before they commit suicide to provide them the option to join their organization for a better controlled world. In their mentally vulnerable state these people accept the offer and become apart of the sixteen birds. So what this organization strives for is the teaching of humanity. To heal the wounds of those harmed by the uncontrolled and make those kneel and beg who abuse such fragile gift such as emotions, they want to take away the humanity of all humans and make them empty feelingless husks who can no longer make decisions by themselves and feel nothing but eternal numbness within, just like shin had for the majority of his life before he finally fought his way out of his genetic prison. HE had to KILL for his humanity, he had to KILL in order to be able to experience the gift of emotions..and what are these fools doing? They..abuse..and..break..twist and turn this gift into nothing but hatred and pain. Something he had to fight for..they have the novelty of experiencing naturally..yet they treat it so terribly..but the sixteen birds will make them worship this gift. Because once they loose their humanity and feelings they will BEG to have it back. And maybe then..they will realize how lucky they were. But by then its already too late…

“ In the morning we watch, at noon we fight, at dawn we rule.”

How exactly do the sixteen birds plan to pull off such a stunt? Well, you see the sixteen birds house some of the smartest bulbs in the science and mathematical region so what better way to suck the life out of humanity than with biology, science and machines? You heard me right, this organization does not only have morally absolute no sense for the life of others but also actively breeds horrendous monsters within the hidden labs. Often they can be seen as human like monstrosities with a total of sixteen wings spread all over their body, one terrifying eye right on their forehead, four dog like arms instead of human ones, hind legs like the one of a rabbit and a spine extension serving as a tail, on their backs and replacing their stomachs are large complicated filters and tanks created by Shin himself, these tanks are filled with a chemical which similarly can be found within insect parasites. What this is used for essentially, these mutants are set free under the control of both shin and Hizuishi and are tasked to infect a certain number of humans with the chemical. These highly intelligent mutants then will seek out humans who have little social life and will capture them, shoving their arrow like tongues into their spine and pump the chemical into their bone marrow which sends the chemical into action, the moment that is done the mutant will disappear as fast as it arrived and the infected human will slowly start to have the compartment of the brain responsible for experiencing emotion and feelings completely turned to mush, this process however still takes a certain amount of time. However instead of just going the easy way and letting the compartment simply die off without any covering up at all Shin and his group of doctors have come up with a solution to let this rotting process appear like DEMENTIA, meaning small holes will be rotten into the victims brain which can easily be mistaken for the common with age appearing disease dementia. This as well allowed the organization to stay hidden for so incredibly long, even though their mutants were caught on camera once or twice…

The overall inside working of the sixteen birds is also quite complicated, just like shins attack style and overall concept it is also ranked like a game of chess with overall 6 ranks to be archived. 1, the pawn. These obviously are the lowest and most common rank within the organization, new members or simple grunts are considered to be pawns. They do the majority of the dirty work and rarely get to see what is going on deeper within the organization itself, however even they are equipped with some terrifying weaponry and come in all shapes and sizes. Often shin decides to reward particularly good grunts with mechanical limbs creating multiple weaponry ranks among the pawns as well. There being gunslinger, tracker, seeker, bomber and medic..there are more than often fights over ranking, though they are mostly just senseless bickering quickly corrected by a simple glare of an upper rank. The rank above the pawn is the tower. The tower rank is also known as the negotiator is the rank responsible for the organization keeping hidden, they clean up all of the evidence and possible blood splatters/messes the mutants have left behind. These guys are the ones truly getting their hands dirty as they are the ones also chasing down witnesses who might have witnessed the bloody scene and make sure to get rid of them in the name of other organizations, they are most famous for their quiet intelligent demeanor and cold way of speaking..hell often upper ranks find themselves creeped out by the is said that only the ones deeply mentally hurt get this position.. The knight takes the next spot, Just like the real knight in the chess game these fellas also care for something animalistic, however instead of caring for a horse these grunts care for the mutants and make sure these wretched vile beasts are always in best condition, well fed and return to their incubation pods after another test run. Its said the mutants have grown fond of their caretakers and even show defensive behavior towards them, though trusting these beasts is the wrong thing to do as they often pretend to like their owner only to end up devouring them the moment they let their guard down, one shall not forget that the mutants are wicked and intelligent apex predators only falling under  the command of Shin and Hizuishi. After the knights are the bishops, also known as the doctors. One of the most important and well respected ranks of the sixteen birds, excellent knowledge of biology, wicked hardwired brains and the endless curiosity of medicine and what limits it has. While they are often referred to as doctors they truly can be more considered as scientists, responsible for the advancement of biological mutation of their own people and the advancing of progress on the humanity devouring mutants. Lower ranks are especially fearful of the bishop rank as pawns often end up as little projects for the no one ever died but..that doesn’t mean the pawn was fine afterwards. The queens are the highest and hardest ranks to archive in the sixteen birds, there are an overall of 6 Queens all of which are responsible for separated tasks within the organization, primarily in undercover. For example his favorite queen being Hizishi who is currently undercover as a member of the American government, a politician making some of the major decisions in the criminality sector and of course being praised high by the people around him for being a keen thinker an a empathetic person..of course all a lie. And lastly, the king. The top of the organization, the one pulling the strings, core piece and the mastermind behind the sixteen birds. Once the king falls the entire game is over…anyone who dares challenge shin for his rank shall be humbled in the blink of an eye.

-more information to be added-

-information about his bg-

Shin was a clone pregnancy consequence which means his mother was a modern heir of the Soul and Body power but did not heed the deal made by her ancestors and did not create a heir until the age of 25 which means the power created a fetus FOR her out of her own bone marrow and stem cells, however out of fear and panic of what was happening to her she tried to terminate the fetus growing within her a total of 8 times before she gave up trying to fight against it and let it happen, because of the 8 termination attempts of his mother shin was born with heavy influences of the power on his body including two red bearded vulture like eyes, sharp upwards pointing arrow like brows, sharp shark like teeth, a skin condition exclusive to the heirs of the power where the skin and flesh on certain body parts is translucent and thin, allowing to see the bones underneath, and most importantly for his story the lack of chemicals in his brain which allowed humans any animals to experience emotions and feelings. It was so severe with the young boy that upon being born he did not scream, just laid there and breathed quietly as not even the warm and cold receptors on his body were fully functional. Despite being originally fearful of shin his mother took him in nonetheless and gave him the name Shin Higeki after hearing of his conditions, his name directly translating into ‘true tragedy’ , fitting for what the boys future held ready for him..

Going to school wasn’t an option for shin, his conditions made his body frail and weak..and to avoid him getting mocked and possibly physically assaulted on the street for the way he looked his mother settled on leaving him home and waiting anxiously as the doctors tried experimental treatments on shin which all just..seemed to fail. While his mother desperately worked with the doctors together  in hopes to find a cure for his feelingless condition Shin had found interest in old books she had from her grandparents. Shin never learned how to read, however his mother made an effort to try her best and teach him reading by reading books out loud to him..however shin never seemed too interested, always looking out of the window and..just being distant. Though like a sponge shin had absorbed all of the information being read out to him which gave him a little bit of basic reading comprehension and he found particular interest in her old mathematic and alchemy books, practically gobbling them out..after all he didn’t need to be able to read to be able to understand what was shown in these books. While shin couldn’t experience joy, sadness or confusion he could still experience curiosity and these math problems..they made him so unbelievably curious. Over time shin had secretly read through all of his mother math, alchemy and science books, even conducting experiments and building himself small machines while his mother was discussing stuff with the doctors again meaning from very early on what shin lacked in creativity and emotion he made up for in raw intelligence and mathematical talent. At that time shin was about 8 years old, and at that age his mother was told that there would be a possible cure for shin, a therapyconducted by a specialized boy with an electromagnetic ability who’d be able to imitate the chemicals lacking in shins brain for as long as the therapy lasts. His mother was overjoyed by this information, however the doctors informed her that shin had to be at least 15 to partake in this therapy meaning he had to live 8 more years in his current state..however his mother didn’t mind. As long as he little boy would get better.

The moment he had turned 15 Shin was brought to the private hospital by his mother where he met his future therapeutic pillar for the first time…a nice young boy..rosy cheeks..bright blue eyes. Shin just wanted to go back to his machines and mathematical problems..they made him feel safe..made him feel at place. Though when the pillar used these heavenly electromagnetic impulses on him for the first time..everything changed. When shin was able to experience these..wondeful feelings for the first time! The sweetness of happiness…the sour taste of sadness and disappointment..the spice of anger. Shin was..flabbergasted. He didn’t want it to end! It was so addicting! Their therapeutic sessions continued over months and Shin believed that the presence of his pillar was what made this experience all the more he wanted to be close to him, experience the feelings again thanks to the others ability. However it would always end..with shin returning back home. And he hated it..he hated it so shin slowly came toa realization. He didn’t need his pillar. He didn’t need the boy CONTAINING his emotions..he needed the power able to call forth his emotions. He didn’t need the damn boy he needed his power! Day by day shin grew more and more obsessed with the experience of humanity, getting addicted to the feeling of warmth on his body,the taste of anger and sadness on his tongue. He wanted it..he wanted it always. And he wanted it all to himself, protect the little light of hope he had, tear the power out of that damn boy and make it his own. He wanted it. He wanted it. He wanted it. He wanted it…and he was gonna fucking get it.

Over the months in which his pillar treated him the blue eyed boy started to develop romantic feelings for shin, so one day when shin invited the boy out after another therapy session to go and explore the abandoned warehouse near his home he had expected that the boy would also confess his love to him..what the pillar didn’t expect however was that he would be lured in and see the light of day one last time. Shin had trapped his pillar within the warehouse and experimented on the boy for weeks, cutting him open, attaching him to handmade machines and trying to figure out ways to extract his power and make it his own. It took weeks of torture and experimenting until shin was finally able to extract the power, however not before the pillar released one last destructive impulse on his own brain, out of betrayal and sadness the pillar had destroyed the part of his power responsible for the specific chemical reaction of love before he ultimately passed away. Shin uncaring about the deceased body was finally able to create the machine he needed to let himself experience humanity on a constant basis instead of just one pathetic hour every day, he build the infamous king piece chess helmet…and for the first time..shin felt powerful. All of those feelings and emotions running through his body…they delightful. It took so much, so many sacrifices, so much blood..but in the end shin gained humanity after the gods deemed him not worthy of it. He was free…but that doesn’t mean he wanted others to be free. No because one look outside into the slums of the city he lived in was enough to send waves of disgust and anger through his body, Something he had to KILL and TORTURE for was so..neglected and abused by the ones who were born with it. Humans killing..raoing..abusing..breaking other humans just because they couldn’t control their emotions. They were like..little children. Needing discipline…he wanted to take all of their humanity away..make them feel like how he felt for 15 damn years..and make them crawl back to him on all fours begging for the thing back they neglected and abused so much. And then? Then he will just laugh…because humans only start to worship something once, they lost it.

The first person shin had recruited for his organization was a young boy named Hizuishi, he found him in the alley of the slums, eating out of an trash can like he hadn’t eaten in days..after hearing the other boys story he immediately asked him to join his plan..and since then hizuishi became his most loyal companion and the first queen to the king…and together…together they would make the world regret ever having taken their humanity for granted…

-more detailed information- OPTIONAL


Now we already heard quite a lot about Shins ability, however I never specified what exactly it was…so…what is it? I need you to pay attention here as it can get quite complicated if you don’t catch the details.. Shins ability is called Soul and Body as from the very beginning in which the bearers body is formed both the body and the soul are two completely separate entities. Aka better said, the soul is not locked into the mortal body unlike a normal mortal soul would be. Because of this reason in order to contain the soul without putting it at risk the soul of shin is split and contained into 16 separate mechanical pieces which can be seen integrated into his armor which is the reason that even is shins body is deceased his soul pieces continue living on even if they are unused giving shin a certain amount of immortality. Getting to shins ability now, he is able to take these mechanical pieces containing his soul and use them to insert his soul piece into something else, more specifically a deceased being. By tossing the mechanical ball onto the ground it will create a link connection between his mortal body and his soul as the piece is released and sickers into the ground below, whatever size appropriate deceased being the soul piece stumbles upon first will serve as its new host as the soul piece merges together with the preferably fossilized corpse. This will allow shin to exist in two separate bodies at once, don’t understand this wrong however! Shin does not simply control whatever his soul is possessing, no he IS whatever his soul is possessing meaning if he let his soul piece merge together with the fossil of a hare for example it would still be shin inside that rabbit, same memories, same personality, same issues just in another temporary body. The possessed fossil is not..just a generic fossil however as depending on what shin is possessing a energy based ability will be gifted to the fossil, taking the hare for example again, a hare fossil would gain the ability of skyjump which is when the hare has to run or jump as an escape or attack an impulse will be released from the rabbits hind legs together with a drastic increase of the bone of the rabbit, giving it an almost bipedal structure. This goes with every unique ability given to every fossil shin is able to take ahold of. There are a total of 16 pieces of his soul shin is able to use to build his undead army, however there are obvious drawbacks and limitations to this ability. The first being that depending on the size of the deceased being shin wants to transfer his consciousness into the more soul pieces he has to invest in order to be able to wield it. For example the largest fossil shin currently has as his ‘queen’ piece is the fossil of an ancient draconian species known as Prehityronto which are massive sixteen legged monsters who are the ancestors of modern draconian beings, in order to awaken it however Shin has to invest a total of 15 pieces which leaves his main body sluggish and barely conscious. That is one of the main drawbacks to housing such ability, the more soul pieces shin invests the more unconscious and vulnerable his main body becomes, for example the prehityronto would leave shin barely conscious and fighting to even take a step which means the prehityronto is primarily a defense creature since there is nothing else to defend his host body while the beast fought. The second drawback is the fact that when Shin recalls his soul pieces after being merged with a fossil the chance of him inheriting some of the memories the fossil had when it was alive is inevitable meaning he often experiences night terrors or sleep paralysis where he goes through the process of being mauled or bitten to death by a larger predator, this has given him major ptsd over the years and gave him prey like behavioristics which he tries to cover up by wearing predatory armor and the seven vulture eyes on his helmet. It is also important to mention that shins fighting style is heavily based on the playstyle of chess, even the fossils he summons all move like particular chess pieces with for example the hare being a pawn and the prehityornto being the queen herself. The more pieces he summons onto the field the more he himself will turn into the core piece ‘the king’ until at some point he looses so much of his consciousness that he can only move one step at a time just like the real chess piece making him reliant on the pieces he summoned for safety.


I think you may already have quite the image of Shins personality from everything I just told you above, however perhaps his personality may still be a surprise from you. From the very beginning since he was born Shin lacked the chemicals in his brain responsible for triggering feelings/emotions, because of this he was never able to be creative or experience artistic tendencies which is why he was so fascinated by mathematics and machinery, at a young age despite never visiting a school being able to solve complex mathematical problems with ease and invent tiny machines which he infused with his soul and body ability to create tiny rat mechas. He never longed to be able to feel, since he never experienced emotions he couldn’t miss them, however when he first got a taste of humanity thanks to the electromagnetic ability of his therapeutic pillar he became greedy and hungry for more. He wanted to feel more, wanted to have the taste of anger and happiness on his tongue more and bathe in the feeling of satisfaction and victory. After murdering his pillar and converting his electromagnetic ability into a helmet Shin kept certain aspects of himself but also experienced completely new ones. For example shin remained a mathematical genius and still lacks certain creative aspects since he couldn’t exactly control the strong emotions he felt just yet. However he also gained new aspects of himself, of course his emotionless and dull shell was removed and replaced with the sadistic, power creep of a person that he is today. Even after years of experiencing humanity and human emotions shin still finds it difficult to control these electromagnetic impulses, its as if his pillar was actively trying to work against him sometimes which means he could burst out laughing and joyful one moment but become bitter and angry the next second especially when stress is triggered within his body. However no matter how bad his helmet acts up you will never see shin scowl or frown, he will always wear an almost unsettling smile on his face with wide owlish eyes and a piercing gaze..if you get to see his face at all since it is mostly hidden behind the chess king mask that he wears on his head. His voice will never rise, he will never outright scream or yell at you yet his words are always carefully repositioned in his speeches to the point that his words alone can already convey the message and the intend behind it. Ever since he gained humanity he had shown incredibly talent for the manipulation of the mind, being able to get into peoples heads easily and print a false image of himself within their brain, tricking them for days, months, years, centuries until he can get close enough to get what he wants. Reading people and their intentions is something to be careful about when interacting with shin, he lives most of his life relying on the feelings of others to get around, and while his brain may not be fully functional it is foolish to assume that shin is dumb. So far shin has only truly found himself appreciating the presence of one person, that being his most loyal subordinate and his first in command Hizuishi who also serves as the doctor of the organization, he has helped shin on multiple occasions with medications against obsessive and harmful urges. Unlike normal humans, shin enjoys the feeling of extreme emotion, particularly anger and sadness, the way he is able to feel tears stream down his face and makes his body tremble with hatred is a sensation beyond anything else and he can sometimes be seen laughing through the emotions in an almost eerie manner, mumbling to himself about how alive he felt. Even when just watching shin move around it becomes scarily clear from the first moment on that shin is a calculated person, even his steps are placed with utter precision and every possible scenario is already well developed through his mind when interacting with a person. However, all of these appearances are supposed to hide the terrible physical condition in which shin finds himself in, his true eyes beneath his helmet are so incredibly sensitive to the light outside that he was diagnosed partially blind, only being able to fully see thanks to the mechanical eyes on his helmet, despite being muscular however shin bears a rather fragile body because of his soul not being fully connected to his body. This means that only a few hits to his main body could be enough to put him out of commission which is why shin bears so much armor on him despite it only serving minor protection to his body.