Jack Moreno



6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


29 (for the 10+ Future RP)


JM (Signature)



Special Ability



December 25th








A world renowned and all-around celebrated author of suspense, horror and mystery novels. He's made millions off his books.






Halloween, snowfall, music (anything with violins in it), pizza, anything creepy and macabre


People (he prefers to stay alone), paparazzi, fire marshals (they always tell him to take down his halloween decorations...)


In the city of Sparta, peculiar characters live in an uneasy peace. Humans and animal-hybrids co-exist together in this world of theirs, however, in Sparta, there always seems to be something destructive going on. Whether it be unexplainable explosions, or mysterious murders, Sparta is a town that is rife with crime that is seemingly without origin or purpose. But still, despite this chaos that runs rampant throughout the town, there are people who wish to do good. Masked heroes, super-groups, good samaritans, all of these people together work to clean up the streets, and make Sparta a safe (or at least, tolerable) place to call home.

In an alternate version of Sparta, where lives have changed for the better or the worse, a prolific writer locks himself away in his room to finish the latest installment of his mystery series. In this world, he's won numerous awards for his work, and his style has been revered as "avant-garde" and "refreshing to the modern world." Jack Moreno comes from difficult and dangerous roots. However, he managed to cast away those burdens, and has become a man he'd dreamed of becoming since he was small. He can't imagine himself doing anything else...

Physical Description:

Jack Moreno is a tall man with a skinny build. Unlike his counterpart, he tries his best to eat, although sometimes he forgets. He is a black cat, and the tip of his crooked tail is white. 

He has short, poofy black hair that puffs outward. He tries his best to take care of it, but it's a little unruly. He has icy blue eyes.

Jack's history is similar to his counterparts. He was born to the same parents, in the same town, under the same circumstances. He faced terrible abuse from his parents, weathering years of unexplainable cruelty. However, unlike his counterpart, Jack found another way to deal with this cruelty; choosing to trust in others. This fateful decision changed the course of his life, and makes the difference between his existence as an illiterate vigilante and as a world-class author of fiction.

Due to his abuse as a child, Jack is covered in scars and bruises that don't seem to fade. His tail is permanently crooked at the tip. To hide his scarring from his fans, Jack wears heavy, concealing clothing. He'd rather people didn't look into his origins too much--he doesn't want people to know.


Jack "Scythe" Moreno. At various times in his life, there have been points of diversion. Choosing to remember, choosing to forget, choices like these have proven to be fateful during the course of his existence. Scythe has trudged onward through life in a haze, but often he wonders...what would have become of his life had he not become a vigilante? Scythe has made many questionable decisions, but surely a reality exists in which he's not a killer--where he was able to live a normal life. Scythe tries, but can't imagine this. However, in another Sparta, Jack Moreno can. Why? Because he's living that life. 

Reclusive and quiet, Jack is a very private person who prefers to keep to himself. Much of his personal life is shrouded in mystery, and this air of the unknown drives his fans crazy. That frenzy isn't by design, but it's all Jack can do to protect his identity. He's very insular and personal. He doesn't do well with crowd and attention; he prefers to sink into the background and let his books do the talking.

He's a hard man to please, and he doesn't smile often. To many, he seems stoic and unreachable, but really he just has an add, macabre sense of humor. Jack can be a little detached and emotionally out there at times, however, this is mostly due to a certain social ineptitude. He's fairly blunt, and doesn't do much introspection.

Due to this lack of introspection, Jack is a little out of touch with his feelings. Half the time, he doesn't know whats running through his own mind. He's thick when it comes to personal connection and understanding. It's as if his own emotions catch him by surprise, and make him react in different ways. He tries to understand, and when he starts something, he can't stop.

Jack never wants to stop. Writing makes him happy, and he's spent a large part of his life miserable. He's got a real talent for the written word, and his character captivate audiences world-wide. He can't imagine his life going any other way. What would he be doing if he wasn't writing? He'd probably be dead. Story-telling is in his blood, and he's not about to stop anytime soon...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Jack doesn't have many strengths to him. If anything, he's a very cautious and careful individual, who only gets close to people he knows he can trust. He's not one to start fights, and he tries to take care of things as simply and diplomatically as possible. Jack doesn't have any physical skills. Why would he? He's just a writer.

He can't fight back if someone tries to hurt him--he has bodyguards for that. He's not fast enough to outrun people. He can't defend himself, because he has no idea how. What are you expecting of him? He's just a writer, he's not some mixed-martial arts master.

 Bonus Facts:

- Jack has a wonderful singing voice! And just a good talking voice, too. Since he's a recluse, and rarely tours, not a lot of people hear him speak. When his fans do, they try to save as many recordings as they can. He's very soothing to listen to.

- Has Halloween decorations up in his house 24/7. Jack ADORES Halloween, and celebrates it more than he does his birthday.

- Jack, notably, doesn't eat in front of others. When he does go out to eat with people, he is wary of others watching him and only bites when he knows no one is looking.