

1 year, 5 months ago


if the title says its closed, assume theyre all closed, including all scenes!!


i have the right to turn down any comms for any reason. if i can’t finish you will be given a full refund (and lots of apologies) 


if u have questions feel free to comment n ask :] asking for quotes is ok too!!

examples are in the gallery!!!


what to expect

-best work with basic prompts + as much inspo/reference as u can give

-usually finished within a few days, (i like to work on em as soon as i get em, if im not busy!) 2 weeks max

-simplified design if complex!!! theyre chibis!!!

-stylized design + stylized colors

-finished art will be submitted to character gallery (or in reply, if necessary)

-free extra art if i feel like it :]

will draw



-mostly any species!

-simple-shaped characters

won’t draw

-human(oid)s (one day…)



-nsfw/suggestive go away!!

-heavy romance

-very detailed/realistic bgs

-very specific prompts (rly bad at it 💀)


how to order

-comment (or send a message)! include specific comm type!

-character link/complete ref! no descriptions-only!

-(if not already on character profile) general description of personalities, or relationships if asking for interaction

-description of bg/props/theming if necessary

-any general notes!! (ex: “pls dont add to gallery”, “common mistake when drawing this character”, “feel free to go crazy with stylization”, “let me out of ur attic”, “these details dont have to be exact”)

-did u particularly like a piece i did? want something similar? reference it!!!

-send the pts to ChamomileDove UPFRONT!! :]


headshot (150-300 pts)

-hatching/patterning (+100 pts)

-bg/props/theming (+150 pts)

halfbody (400-600 pts)

-hatching/patterning (+150 pts)

-bg/props/theming (+200 pts)

fullbody (700-1k pts)

-hatching/patterning (+200 pts)

-bg/props/theming (+300 pts)

note: extra characters in the above comm types will generally be double the price

partial scene (1.2k-1.5k pts) [OPEN]

-hatching/patterning (+400 pts)

-extra “frame”, includes more props/theming/possibly extra lil art of ur character? (+300 pts per frame)

-extra character (+600 pts per char)

full scene (1.7k-2.5k pts) [OPEN]

-hatching/patterning (+550 pts)

-extra “frame” (+300 pts per frame)

-extra character (+600 pts per char)

doodle page (prices below) [OPEN]

(MESSY+UNCOLORED! may not be all chibi) (amount of doodles depends on complexity of chara)

-block, ~3-6 doodles (600-800 pts)

-strip, ~6-10 doodles (800-1.5k pts)

-rough color (+50% price)

-extra character (+300 pts per char)