
1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Pebble

Gender: Female

Species: Mudwing


Super sweet and basically sunshine incarnate. Will try and make friends with just about anyone and doesn't like to fight. She can and will throw hands if a dragon tries to eat Croaky though, Croaky is friend not food. Easily excited and often talks fast. Has a very sort attention span and is easily distracted. A bit clumsy and a bit forgetful.


A Mudwing whose siblings' eggs were all destroyed during a Skywing attack on her village. Her egg was overlooked and so she survived. She has bigwings instincts since she was technically the first of her troupe to hatch but she's whole lot smaller than even an average Mudwing. 

Pebble was seen as bad luck by others in her village due to all of her siblings being killed before they were even born. She was often seen as odd and many of the other dragons in her village were wary of her. 

Soon after she hatched she encounter a young bullfrog and basically imprinted on it in a we are now friends kind of way. The bullfrog stuck around and she named him Croaky. The two of the can somewhat communicate but it's usually just a whole lot of gesturing and a lot of guessing on Pebble's part. 

Since she didn't grow up with siblings Pebble never learned how to hunt in a group and due to her own clumsy and fairly uncoordinated nature she was never very good at solo hunting. She refuses to eat frogs because of croaky and rabbits and pigs were often difficult for her to catch so she ended up eating a lot of wild fruits and vegetables growing up. On the bright side, she is very knowledgeable about edible plants.

Extra Info

- Didn't know how to read or write for a good while since she wasn't taught as a young child. Starfire ended up teaching her how to do both later in life.

- Croaky usually rides on her head or on her back depending on the situation and whether she is walking, swimming, or flying.

- Her ears are very floppy and often wiggle when she is excited.

- After meeting Boulder he tried to teach her how to hunt in a group but it didn’t go all that well