North Star's Comments

Omg I love this design like a lot.   Plus I got to see another neat CS that exists!  I was going to offer the 1500 point AB but I feel kinda bad doing that when iinkt was also expressing their interest in the design. XD

But I'll let you obvi pick a more entertaining offer, haha. :P

yoho! just letting you know i went with iink's offer sorry! but i'll be making some more shrimpshifter adopts this month if you're interested :D

Nah no problem I figured you might after the emergency comms post and everything.  No hard feelings. 

But yes!  I look forward to the other adopts you make! Can't wait to see them. 

Inter this is literally beautiful I am sobbing

They will be ML #219! I will add them in the morning :)

Also, I will happily do $20 thru PayPal for them if nobody else offers higher (if you're taking PayPal)! Want to give others a chance but I also adore this design asldkjf

DFHBUIDH tysm Ink!! They were a little rushed but I'm happy with the result :D
And I am taking paypal! I just cannot send money through paypal so I'd need to ask you to deduct the bit that goes towards you and the mods :]
I'll keep you posted if anyone else offers!

Oh! If I or another mod buys an adopt you don't have to send money, you'd get the full $20 ^^ But thank you!!

Yoho! I've decided to go with your offer after all! Send me a message and I'll give you the email to send the money through to^^! (also i still need to respond to your commission inquirey and my term being renewed for being a shrimpshifter GA but both are a yes on my end! just been a bit hectic irl lately uehehehe)

No worries! I’ll PM you, one moment!