


1 year, 8 months ago


The way to know life is to love many things.









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Above Average


Neutral Good






Pearl White



The Sea


Common Gorse






Summer City

Chasing Madison


Once a kittypet who longed to explore, Creekjumper is a friendly traveler who has a fondness for new sights and intriguing stories. Her name came from being born beside a river alongside her only sibling, she always wondered if this was the reason she enjoyed being near running water. Despite being a traveler, Creek despises being alone. She will go as far as to stay with hostile groups if it means having company, however wretched it may be. Though, despite her fears, she never seems to settle down permanently. She has severed bonds that were once unbreakable; her heart lurches every time she does this but she cannot help herself. The traveler proceeds without looking back, escaping her past mistakes and moving on to create new ones.



Positive traits

  • Outgoing
  • Caring
  • Optimist

Negative traits

  • Unreliable
  • Pushy
  • Naive

Creekjumper is an extrovert through and through! She craves the stimulation of new friends and will go to drastic measures to avoid being alone. Unfortunately, this caused her to fall with an unsavory bunch of cats; despite knowing what they did wasn’t right, she turned a blind eye to their actions in favor of company. Being with the group affected her, they were harsh and Creek is an awfully sensitive individual. She takes words to heart and spends weeks dwelling on them if she finds no resolution, though she will always attempt to hide this with a close-eyed smile. She believes everyone deserves a second-chance, dreading the idea of anyone living with past regrets despite how many she has herself. With a perpetual skip in her step, Creek is proud to wear her heart on her sleeve, even if it causes her mood to quickly shift when she is stuck down. Inexperienced with the world still, she is an idealist; stubborn in her views on life, Creek struggles to understand why others may think differently than she does and may attempt to sway them to her way of belief.


Creek was raised as a loner, only her mother and sibling in the abandoned fox den they lived in. Her father, a kittypet, would visit them occasionally, bringing them treats from his owners and only sticking around long enough to converse with his mate. Despite living just outside the human settlement, weeks could pass between his visits but Creek was always glad to see him! She always decorated the den with the prettiest shells she could find in hopes it encouraged her father to stay for longer--perhaps the den would be so nice he would choose to stay there with them! Eventually, construction had expanded into the forest, loosening the dirt around their den over the coming weeks. With the addition of a dreadful thunderstorm, their little abode stood no match, the tunnel collapsing as the family huddled inside for protection. Creek’s mother hadn’t been fortunate enough to dodge the soil that fell over them--suffering broken limbs as a result. It didn’t take long for her to succumb to her injuries, her kits only able to cradle her and weep as they desperately tried to wake their deceased mother.

Over the course of a week, the siblings were trapped in the den as the storm continued outside. Water had begun pooling at the bottom of the den, turning the floor into a disgusting sludge of water and the remains from the corpse, only worsening as their mother’s corpse began to decompose. Maggots were quick to come, eager to take care of the body. The smell alone was horrific, encouraging the siblings to desperately tear their paws raw in order to dig out. Eventually, they made it out, exasperated over what had occurred. Their father eventually found them huddled together, weak and trembling, and decided to take him with them to his house. Creek, in a quiet state of shock, smiled at the thought of finally being able to see her father’s home.

Moving in

After moving in with their father is when Creek discovered he had a daughter from another litter. Creek’s half-sister was older with a kit of her own, the news coming as a shock. It was an odd feeling, knowing he had kept this from her, though she was hopeful he had no sinister motives. Over the coming weeks, Creek struggled greatly to deal with the loss of her mother; she was all she and her sibling had known, she had been their entire world since the moment they were born. To have that torn from Creek’s paws at such a fragile age and in such a gruesome way wounded her deeply. She had been thrust into a new environment immediately, with a half-sibling and a niece she never knew existed and her brother clinging to her just as desperately as she clung to him. Creek sought out her father constantly, though the comfort he offered was cold and nothing like her mother’s love. He seemed unaffected by her death entirely. On the contrary, he didn’t mention her once after that day; especially not when he would meet Creek’s half-sibling’s mother. Unmarred and standing strong, moving on, leaving and living his life.

Creek could only watch him go as she struggled to keep her meals down at the thought of the decaying corpse she had slept besides. Unpleasant odors, no matter how faint, would thrust her right back to that burrow, leaving Creek bedridden until the nausea and dread passed. She couldn’t handle having anything covering her, not a blanket nor her sibling, the suffocating feeling unbearable and causing her uncontrollable panic. She hated being this way around her father though he never batted an eye in her direction when this happened. To her sibling, she would dismiss his concerns with a smile. She was strong too, after all.

Moving out

Though Creek never seemed to get better living in the house. It had everything she needed to live comfortably: constant meals, protection from the elements, her loved ones all together, and no fear of harm save for the roughhousing with her brother. But the suffocating feeling Creek had grown to expect never dissipated. It grew worse and at times it felt like her bones would give out under its weight. One night, when her heart would not settle, Creek left her home. She wept as she did, though she was not sure why. She was leaving her entire world behind, just as her mother had. Regret and shame overwhelmed her though she moved forward, faster the further away she got. As her house disappeared over the horizon, the tightness around her heart finally let up.


Character name


A REALLY small description. Use just a few sentances here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

Character name


A REALLY small description. Use just a few sentances here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

Character name


A REALLY small description. Use just a few sentances here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
