Reed Watts



1 year, 5 months ago


post-recovery 03/17
Reed Watts
aliases: n/a
gender: transfemme NB — they/them
orientation: bisexual
born: 02/10, 28
ethnicity: american
occupation: student
residence: lestead, USA
height: 5' 9" / 175 cm
eyes/hair: gold / brown
etc: human — partial sight

A wannabe ghost hunter who bit off more than they can chew. Reed is an extreme optimist, seeing the bright side even when it doesn't exist. They're quite self-assured and it takes a lot to get them to doubt themself, though some of that confidence isn't backed up by their actual skills. Sometimes it's a wonder how they manage to stay alive.

  • Majoring in anthropology at a Lestead university
  • Takes on various part-time jobs to compensate when they get low on cash
  • Does ghost-hunting on the side, particularly in Sathe; records videos but doesn't post them
  • Estranged from their family
  • Prefers feminine titles/honorifics (miss, ma'am, etc.)
  • Missing their left eye; the area around where it was is heavily scarred
  • Contrary to how they may look, they care about their appearance
  • Has a limp due to a poorly healed break in their left leg
  • The gun they have is a Berreta M9; however, they don't have any knowledge or experience with firearms
Dýo bound monster
Reed and Dýo are bound together, able to switch places at will (signaling to each other with the word "tag"). Reed is friendly towards Dýo and thankful to it for saving their life, despite the nature of their arrangement. They don't like talking to a mirror image of themself, though.