Omaja Doshi



1 year, 5 months ago


Write an introduction or a brief history here! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content. Now, have a little showcase of different text styles(?) you can make! bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough. You can also add some extra color to your text like this or add a link like this (just change the # to your URL)!

If you want, you can also add more paragraphs and divide them with an hr. I don't know what else to write, so have a lipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Omaja Doshi

adjective • adjective • adjective

Name Omaja Navya Doshi
Age 27 EYO
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Species Candyfloss
Birthday April 24th
Flavor Taffy
Occupation Fashion Model
Status Taken
Voiceclaim info
  • like
  • like
  • like
  • add as many as you like.
  • this box will grow, the main box will scroll.
  • dislike
  • dislike
  • dislike
  • add as many as you like.
  • this box will grow, the main box will scroll.
  • Some trivia here. You can add as many as you like: the trivia box will grow with content, but the main box will scroll.
  • Vivamus ut arcu dapibus, euismod velit ornare, aliquet tellus.
  • Morbi aliquet nulla sed mi vulputate efficitur.
  • Suspendisse hendrerit orci eu justo egestas scelerisque.
  • Some design notes here. You can add as many as you like: the trivia box will grow with content, but the main box will scroll.
  • Vivamus ut arcu dapibus, euismod velit ornare, aliquet tellus.
  • Morbi aliquet nulla sed mi vulputate efficitur.
  • Suspendisse hendrerit orci eu justo egestas scelerisque.

This is a little free box you can use for anything you like. You could go more in-depth about your character's personality or history, you could add an image (reference or otherwise), you could rant about how much you love your character, or you can remove it altogether. If you decide to remove it, change the previous box's py-2 to pt-2, otherwise there will be a big space at the bottom of the main content box. Unless you like that.

You can split this is paragraphs with (or without) an hr too. You can also use any other customization option I already showcased in the main introduction part.

A quote or tagline. Keep it to one line, or the boxes height will not match.