Luciano Bugatti



1 year, 4 months ago



lvl 10
aliases Luci, Luce, Lucky, Aces
species Human
world The Collective
arc Eleventh Job
birthday 3/24/1895
role Face
status Alive (Resurrected)

Talk is cheap, y'say...? Well, I'm rollin' in dough!



















class Rogue (Swash.) 6 ♧ Bard (Glam.) 4
affiliations Tassel (former) ♧ The Collective
hometown New Haven
orientation Bisexual
pronouns he/him
alignment Chaotic Neutral
passives 25/24/20
inspiration ♧ Jay Gatsby ♧ Tulio ♧ Billy Flynn ♧ Flynn Rider ♧ Fred Astaire ♧ Gene Kelly ♧ Lucky Luciano ♧
feats Observant, Master Chef, Lucky






acrobatics +5
♣️ insight +10
♣ performance +12
animal handling +4
intimidation +6
♣ persuasion +12
arcana +3
♣ investigation +9
religion +3
athletics +2
medicine +4
sleight of hand +5
♣ deception +12
nature +3
♧ stealth +7
history +3
♣ perception +10
survival +4
current hp


maximum hp


temporary hp








hit die




♣ appearance ♣

Luciano is a dashing rogue in every sense: handsome, nimble, and meticulously groomed. He places significant value on his good looks and is obsessed with preserving them -- he is always the last to be soiled and the first to clean himself up after the dirty work of a job. While brown hair is no rarity, Luci wears it well and keeps it slicked back so prospects can turn their focus to his winning smile. When they aren't shielded by his shades, his brown eyes reflect a pleasing honey-like color in the light. There is a small iridescent marking of a four-leaf clover on his ankle that appeared after his resurrection and he finds himself drawn to it, tracing its leaves while dressing or soaking in the tub. Despite his fondness for food, he maintains a lean figure by dancing and mock-sparring with his teammates, and though he may not aspire to bulk up like them, he suspects a little more muscle might attract a little more attention. Attention of the daunting or enticing variety...? He'd settle for both.

Though his substantial savings from Tassel are long gone, Luciano continues to spend whatever cash passes through his fingers carefully curating his appearance to give the impression that he is still fabulously wealthy. He clothes himself in name brand attire for every season, favoring suits, vests, and straw boater hats. Green is his signature color and he wears it in all its shades, often accenting it with reds, pinks, coffee browns, and gold jewelry. He is rarely seen without his rose-tinted aviators and his comrade Ardin is known to infuse them with magic that enhances his already-keen eyes, such as granting him darkvision. The leather wingtips he wears serve as his magical focus for casting spells, and despite their metal soles, these tap shoes seem to tread softly. Intended to be a subtle nod, his favored color scheme and glasses are meant to pay respects to his origin: a Flygon in Pokemon X/Y.

♣ backstory ♣

New Haven is a big city, built to accommodate the tens of thousands of people that bustle through its streets. Yet, it is most unkind to its largest families, who toil away in its most difficult professions in order to make ends meet. Such was the reality of the Bugatti family: Etta, a fretful mother who cut textiles in a factory, Benito, a harsh father and diligent meatpacker, and the four children they worked tirelessly to feed. Simply eating packaged foods was not good enough -- for the Bugattis, a meal made from scratch was an opportunity to experience joy in a life where it was otherwise fleeting. They insisted on cooking with fresh ingredients even if it meant eating every other day to stretch their pennies for what they could afford. Being the youngest of his siblings by half a decade, Luciano suspected from an early age that his existence had been unanticipated, reflected in how often he was overlooked in favor of brothers and a sister who were old enough to provide their labor. Bruno, the eldest, grew to join his mother on the assembly line while Luca and Carlotta made deliveries, helped around the house, and spent the slivers of time in between trying to raise their little brother. This was no substitute for the constant attendance of a parent, however, and Luci quickly learned to fend for himself as best he could. In time, this independence would become an asset and also a reason to leave.

surviving the streets
As he grew, Luciano began spending less time at home and more time outside on the streets, seeking the attention and camraderie he could not get from family. Other unattended children roaming around took notice of him and persuaded him to talk and play, on occasion even extending the offer of a cigarette as a gesture of goodwill. The longer he spent frolicking around with the city's abandoned youth, the more Luci noted their resourcefulness, making do with very little, and saw himself reflected in their struggles. Yet, they persisted through each day relying on each other and ensured that not a single one of them was ever left wanting. One day, an older child saw Luciano studying them and invited him to help break into a nearby warehouse to steal canned goods. It was on this day that, at the age of ten, Luci would accept his invitation and never return to the cramped confines of the Bugatti household. Though he was welcomed into the den of the street rats, he quickly realized he was not as strong nor as fast as the others and it was not long before his shortfalls got them caught. He was branded a liability and the sting of shame and disappointment in its wake motivated Luci to cut ties and go solo. In the years that followed, he floated between the patchwork gangs of adolescents and focused on honing his own skills. He learned to step away from footwork and quietly observe from the sidelines, gaining reconnoissance through eavesdropping and scouting perimeters that could help shape plans. The information gleaned from these endeavors could build connections and those long hours spent chatting in the alleys provided an avenue to learn about people: what they liked, what they didn't, who worked with whom and how the city was divided into turfs to avoid or infiltrate. An approachable boy with a pretty face and even prettier words, Luci excelled as an informant. For those who spend any time in organized crime, they know that talk is the currency of the streets and can be bought, traded, and sold. Those who are wealthy in gossip and drift without allegiance, therefore, are prime targets for bankruptcy.

♣ mob life ♣

As a teenager, Luciano caught the attention of more established gangsters who saw his tendency to trade information across lines with flagrant disregard as an up-and-coming threat. Though he operated between the city's strays, his curiosity toward the network of New Haven's underbelly was far outside his purview. If he wanted to start playing with the big boys, then, his brazen exploits would yield grown-up consequences. A honey pot operation lured him into the waiting arms of a prominent mafia eager to make an example of his exploits. Luci was badly beaten and left for dead, his crumpled body displayed at the doorstep of the street rat dens as a warning for other kids to keep their noses out of the business of adults. In time, Luci's body recovered but his mind did not. Now with the awareness of the city's dangers and scrutiny of its ever-present eyes, he found himself a caged animal with nowhere safe to flee. For a certain bootlegger seeking to expand his business, however, the boy's predicament set the stage for a proposal of partnership. Over a lavish dinner, James Maggiano spoke of his vision to form a new criminal organization and in exchange for Luciano's loyalty and expertise as a smooth-talker, he would provide him protection, purpose, and the coveted seat of a consigliere. As James's advisor and second in command, they built the mafia called Tassel from the ground up, so named for the familial nature of its membership and how tightly they intertwine. Luci's time in Tassel was quite prosperous -- with its ranks kept selective and small, standing proudly at the top allowed him a flourishing fame and fortune, and within the span of a few years, Tassel's name flowed through the spiderweb of criminal networks. Unfortunately, this notoriety came at a steep price: other gangs eager to snuff out a growing problem brewed resentment in the streets and in 1922, a mere decade after its inception, Tassel's headquarters were raided and New Haven's concrete ran red with the blood of its mobsters. To this day, Luciano does not know who organized the hit nor what happened to his beloved boss whose body they never found. One thing was clear: the family they had formed together had been torn apart and only he and Tassel's secretary and resident "pharmacist", Yvonne Pelaez, remained to pick up the pieces. Rather than attempt to rebuild, the two of them cut their losses and sought refuge in a swanky brick apartment together where they could heal, keep each other company, and attempt to solve the mystery of Tassel's demise.

The Collective
Five years passed with little in the way of answers. Luciano occupied his time obsessively searching for evidence, pissing away his savings all the while with wine, women, smokes, and shopping. Yvonne grew fed up watching her companion's vices consume him and dealing with their clean-up, so a year into their arrangement she returned to her family's shop. Left alone to his own devices, Luci turned to the empty company of broads, bottles, and boxes of cigarillos until the day he received two pieces of mail that would alter the course of his life's path: a bank notice for low funds and a mysterious note depicting a hobgoblin with a secret message: "Follow the coins, for they will lead you to what you wish to find." This scrap of paper reunited him with Yvonne and thrust them back into the shady world of organized crime, this time under the care of The Collective. Initially, Luciano formed a reluctant agreement with them under the pretense that he would procure the information about James's whereabouts he so desperately sought, then quietly cut himself loose. As a result of brooding distrust, he betrayed their alliance by shooting and killing a teammate in blind delusion -- an act of treason that nearly got him executed. However, the fallout of this mistake led to a genuine desire to repair his relationships with others and with himself. Over time, his opinion of The Collective as an organization has changed: it draws many parallels to the tight knit fraternity of Tassel, and thanks to the support of its leadership and his party members, Luci realizes he has found a family once again.

♣ talents & traits ♣

Years of surviving on his own have sharpened Luciano's senses. He is exceedingly perceptive, often seeing or hearing signs of trouble long before others around him. This extends to his investigative skills and his keen eyes usually spot details that might be overlooked. Above all, he prides himself in his ability to mingle with most anyone, using silver-tongued persuasion to secure deals, curry favor with important folk, and tempt suitors. Luci has an innate talent for reading people and their true intentions, mainly through analysis of their tone of voice, body language, and the subtle expression of their eyes. With this in mind, he can influence a conversation's flow. Bending the truth seems to come naturally to him and if given a little time, he can concoct a believable explanation out of thin air. He carries a few tools of deception on his person, namely a rolodex of fake personas and their accompanying identification, as well as a forgery kit to fluidly copy handwriting for correspondence. He may have never been formally schooled, but he is streetwise and knowledgable about matters of personal interest: the lifestyle of New Haven's elite, ritzy fashion, the nobility and elegance of dragons, music, and food. These latter passions have evolved into serious hobbies and he is regarded by his peers as a gifted chef and lively swing dancer, providing them delicious meals and dazzling entertainment. Always one to chase the spotlight, the one time this showman would prefer not to draw so much attention is in the heat of battle. Luciano is the definition of "a lover, not a fighter", and he much prefers trying to talk himself out of a scuff rather than engage. In the event a battle is inevitable, he uses his swift feet to slip around opponents, avoiding blows and delivering precise stabs with his rapier. On the sidelines, he casts spells of trickery to bolster his teammates and undermine an enemy's efforts or provide a distraction long enough for them to patch their wounds.

Luciano was once a slave to his desires and although he is no longer their prisoner, he is still very much shackled by hedonism, drawn like a moth to flame toward the finer things in life and enjoying pleasure in all its forms. Though he is careful to project an air of calculated dignity, he is quick to lose control in his indulgences, especially when it comes to spending money. He has expensive tastes and invests a lot of time and cash preening himself in the finest clothing, accessories, and self-care products his coin can buy. His need to be admired may come off as arrogant or showy, but to his credit, many are charmed by his confidence. It is undeniable that he has a command of words and his charisma attracts (and demands) attention. He is cunning and wily in ways that sometimes get him into mischief, and though he is quite skilled at deceiving others, he is poor at being honest with himself. What many never get to see are the rare glimpses beyond this cocky veneer that expose the truth that he is not the outwardly composed man he claims, but a broken one. Luci is touch-starved and thirsts for affection that he seeks to satisfy with flings. Despite his expertise in netting a good catch for an evening, he is completely lost when it comes to romance beyond fulfilling his own needs, much less a steady relationship. He has a track record of shirking responsibility -- exemplified through his fathering of countless children he does not know -- and this occasionally spills over into his daily duties, such as enjoying a soak in the bath when he should be training. He can be fragile in both body and mind which has a tendency to translate into cowardice on the battlefield that has worsened since his brush with death. Though he would never admit it, he loves to feel wanted by the people that surround him and is eager to please them, driving him to do better so he can receive the validation and praise he so craves. In this way, he is a loyal and devoted companion and will move the earth for those he deems worthy of his company.

heart & soul
Luci's life may have stabilized in some ways, but he still remains driven by his emotions. A man who feels so deeply about life is bound to have this manifest in unexpected ways. For him, he has yet to discover that his emotions impact the quality and potency of the meals he cooks. His feelings have a tendency to work their way into his food, for both better or worse. For instance, when he is glowing with joy, his meals might acquire a hint of flavor that invokes a similar feeling in those that partake of it. When he finds himself stuck in a bout of sour or glum sorts, however, it is said that something feels slightly 'off' about the taste of a familiar dish. This is not to disparage the superb cooking he is able to consistently pull off, of course, nor his skill. He has learned from Ardin's chemical expertise how to mix healing potions into meals to bolster their capability to revitalize those that eat them, and this is one hundred percent by his hand. As he has learned to fine-tune his command of magic, Luciano can Prestidigitate music in place of a record player with a snap of his fingers. Though the music is soft in volume by his standards, it helps him concentrate on menial tasks and provide relaxation during downtime. He is also unable to replicate songs he is unfamiliar with, so the majority of his repertoire consists of jazz or swing. When he uses this cantrip without a song in mind, it can lead to unanticipated results -- what is on his mind seems to influence his personal jukebox and, try as he might, once one has begun to play it stubbornly refuses to change its tune, even if it means rotating through multiple different arrangements of the same piece. As of late, Luci has felt inexplicably drawn to hummingbirds as a spirit animal, seeing them in his dreams and in how their motifs have unconsciously influenced the look and feel of his magical energy. His Mantle of Inspiration takes aspects from the ruby-throated hummingbird, which shares a similar color scheme to his favored hues. So too does the rapier he carries in this form, its hilt and the long thin blade reminiscent of a swordbilled hummingbird.

♣ fickle fortune ♣

Luciano's views regarding luck far surpass the mindset of convenience that most hustlers adopt. A confidenceman by trade, he too delights in gambling and is quick to place bets on cards and horse races. However, to him, wins and losses go beyond tallies on a board. Luci harbors a strong belief that though he can act freely, the outcomes of his day to day life are beyond his control, instead dictated by the supernatural "Lady Luck". Like a marionette, he feels tied by strings that are at the mercy of her capricious whims, and it is her choice whether to bestow a lucky streak upon him or curse him with a bad break. She is someone to pin blame on for his misfortune or extol in times of success and he desperately hopes that he is ever in her favor. Ever since Tassel's demise, he has viewed himself as having lost his good fortune and justifies every hardship as a result of being unlucky. For someone who rejects religion so openly, Luci's conviction toward the existence of a higher power may raise brows. But the few who know him intimiately enough to peer behind the curtain might deduce that this belief manifested from his rough upbringing on the streets of New Haven, born of a child's desire to cling to hope in a harsh world so often against him.

death & resurrection
Instead of the punishment of execution, his moment of treason within his team led to a necessity for major lifestyle changes. Shooting Ardin dead resulted in Dima beating him within an inch of his life and earned him a one-way ticket to the hospital where his surgeon, Doctor Oliver Yalrick, uncovered the extent of the toll his vices had taken on his body. Many years of heavy drinking and smoking had destroyed his insides and he was urged to quit immediately or taunt death with every puff or sip. Thanks to the intervention of his party and Doc Oliver's unwavering support, he has been able to keep temptation at bay. But when it comes to battling his addictions, there is perhaps another element at play that he is yet unaware of. When he could not get in touch with Doc Oliver and caught wind of Trevor Bell's kidnappings, he and his stealthy companion Ghoul investigated the surgeon's clock tower apartment and triggered a trap that set the place aflame. Compelled to find Oliver and rescue some of his possessions despite his wounds, Luciano went back into the fire and died unable to escape. In his final moments, he found himself seated at Lady Luck's final table where he played against himself in a heated game of blackjack and claimed victory. It was not solely by the Lady's hand that he returned to life, however...this is thanks to the mysterious Nailspitter, creator of his once-magical shoes who paid him a visit in the hospital. While Luci was unconscious, he drove one of his enchanted nails into his wrist to hasten his healing and unbeknownst to him, it held the secondary effect of resurrecting him in death, purifying the decay within him. The nasty scar on his chest may be gone, but the memory of how it came to be and the hand that put it there is sewn firmly into his mind. After all, he of all people knows how lucky he is to have been blessed with a new lease on life, and he does not intend to let his second chance go to waste. For from the ashes of his old misbegotten self, a new man has risen.

Bei Mir Bist Du Schon The New Orleans Jazz Band
Razzle Dazzle Richard Gere [from Chicago]
Cheek to Cheek Fred Astaire
The Great Pretender Freddie Mercury
Casino Night [Act 2] Sonic Generations OST
Yobanashi Deceive Will Stetson
age 32
height 5'9"
weight 150 lb.
eyes brown
skin fair
hair brown



Message transmutation
Prestidigitation transmutation
Vicious Mockery enchantment
Kinetic Jaunt* transmutation
Spray of Cards* conjuration



Bane enchantment
Feather Fall enchantment
Faerie Fire evocation
Healing Word evocation
Silvery Barbs enchantment



Enhance Ability transmutation
Bane+ enchantment
Lesser Restoration abjuration
Healing Word+ evocation















Yvonne Pelaez dearest comrade

Though they both shared coveted positions close to their leader James Maggiano, Luciano and Yvonne only interacted on occasion prior to Tassel's downfall. After its sudden demise, it was she who pulled his unconscious body to safety and nursed him back to health in the months that followed. Having no one in the family left to turn to, Luciano invited her to live under his apartment roof. The two of them cohabitated peacefully and (sometimes) enjoyed one another's company, but after a year Luci's vices became too much for her and she moved out and continued to keep in touch via letters. He is loud, he is irresponsible, but he is also family, so when he came calling about a new lead involving Tassel, she joined him in aligning with The Collective. Those who know Luciano's womanizing tendencies may find it strange that he treats Yvonne like an old friend rather than an old flame, but they may not know that he is somewhat intimidated by her and she is the one who keeps him on a tight leash. Still, she has a warmth for him and has always been there to help him fix himself and his fuckups. Around her, he feels a deep sense of comfort and kinship and it is she who knows his deepest secrets that he would otherwise take to his grave. As of late, he harbors some curiosity regarding her healing abilities, but whether his interest is fleeting or for an ulterior motive remains to be seen. Luci is protective of Yvonne and had promised James to keep sharp eyes on her, but these days he does so not out of obligation, but of his own accord and it is no exaggeration to say that he would die for her.

Coin boss nouveau

In the beginning, he didn't really respect Coin's authority and leadership because Luciano was under the assumption his time with The Collective would be a temporary gig. But after breaking his team's trust and bearing witness to The Boss's committment to his people, Luci gradually submitted his obedience. Sometimes he thinks Coin pushes him too hard or entrusts him with responsibilities he's not well-equipped to handle, but Luci likes that he has a genuine interest in helping him get stronger physically and makes it no secret that he will have his back. Though a competent leader, Luci wishes he were less stoic and his biggest criticism about Coin is that he thinks he doesn't know how to have a good time. Despite this, Luci actively seeks opportunities to make him proud and demonstrate his worth, to his new boss's glowing reception.

Ghoul thick as thieves

Initially, Ghoul drew Luciano's eye in much the same lecherous way as Yvonne all those years ago. And in a similar sense, he has accepted his place in the pecking order and knows the elf is off-limits to his debauchery. In time, he has grown to see her as a sort of sister-in-arms and respects her sharpshooting and survival tactics outside the city walls. They share a similar skillset when it comes to matters of espionage and sometimes communicate cryptically with one another in Thieves' Cant. He feels closest to her when he can be seen as an equal and though he does not understand her religious zeal, he respects her hustle anyway.

Ardin alchemical savior

Luciano has a complex relationship to the team's resident alchemist. It is one that arose from suspicion, since he received the summons from The Collective in his image and not too long after shot and killed him out of a hallucinatory misunderstanding. Amazingly enough, Ardin has forgiven him but Luci has felt regret ever since and has tried making reparations in the form of the occasional gift such as his mending hammer and belt of useful items. They both come from two different walks of life, or so Luci tells himself. As hard as he tries to forget what life was like on the streets, he can empathize with Ardin's resourcefulness and meager lifestyle. He respects his hard smarts and recognizes his utility -- he is not afraid to roll up his sleeve and take a needle of the hobgoblin's healing elixir when he needs it (which happens to be quite often). Ever since he revived Yvonne and sacrificed his second self to do so, Luciano feels greatly indebted to Ardin and coming into Crestfall's hostile territory as a fellow arcanist, feels compelled to watch his back. Recently, he learned of Ardin's terrible past and how the two of them became inextricably linked...only time will tell how this revelation will change their relationship...

Dima eager taste-tester

Dima's instinct to act before thinking often puts them at odds, but really the two of them share a similar goal to protect those they love the most and are both motivated by their passions and desires, sometimes to a detriment. Of all his teammates, perhaps none appreciate his cooking more and though he has admittedly had trouble keeping up with the half-orc's ravenous appetite, he is thankful to always have a captive audience in the kitchen. In a somewhat backwards way, he has Dima to thank for getting his addictions under control, since he would have never known the true extent of how badly they had impacted him had his fists not sent him to the hospital.

Oliver Yalrick lovesick ♥ physician

Doctor Oliver Yalrick, New Haven Central Hospital's most amiable surgeon, first crossed paths with Luciano on the operating table. Under his skilled fingers, he was able to bring him back from the brink with a grave diagnosis: Luci's addictions had taken their toll on his body. At a time of great turmoil from within the team, Oliver showed him support and compassion when no one else did to help him along on the long and arduous road to recovery, offering his time and opening his home to his patient. At first, Luci tried to keep the drow's kindness at arm's length and their visits professional, viewing anything more as a threat to his attraction toward James. Only after Oliver was kidnapped and harmed by Trevor Bell did a realization come to Luciano in death: he had wasted so much of himself for feelings that were probably unrequited. Since then, he has vowed to make amends for the doctor who has healed his broken heart and to whom he has become deeply devoted. However, healing takes time and much is likely to pass before he is able to go back to New Haven to see this through in person. The uncertainty of their connection and the distance between them has been wearing on Luci's nerves as of late. For now, Oliver occupies his thoughts while awake and keeps him company in his dreams, and he carries on improving himself so that the next time they meet, he will return as a man full of stories who is healthy and worthy of love.

James Maggiano missing mafioso

The crime lord of Tassel who took Luciano in off the streets as a teenager. Together, they built a syndicate that soon became a household name and thus a target to be eliminated. James's leadership and trust in Luci from the very start earned him a spot within his intensely private circle, and his proximity gradually developed into something more. His feelings only intensified the grief he felt when Tassel and James were ripped from his life and are to blame for his vices getting out of control. Now surrounded by good company who helped to give his life a new purpose, he finds his adoration for his prior boss fading, though Luci still sought to track down his missing capo and speak his mind, if only to provide himself closure. This closure has come with the burden of now knowing Ardin was responsible for his murder, and though it was not by choice, this decision forever altered Luci's life.