Can I adopt the Sparkling Velvet Pearl?Ā 
I absolutely adore their design šŸ’žšŸ’ž Iā€™d love to adopt them and doodle them šŸ¤­šŸ’žšŸ’ž

Of course! I'll send her your way!

Yayayaya Ty!

Can I take both of them free or would you rather prefer me tale one free??

To take both you'd need to make a trade offer, however that is now impossible since the pearl is taken.

then can i take the sapphire instead?

Please read the last line

Shoot! sorry about that ^^'
well the design i find unique and i could probably see an idea of them coming from some certain vein of sapphires
so i'll probably use them for some weird plot point and doodle/draw them some amount
they seem like they would attend alot of parties tbh

Right then! I'll send them over!

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