Heya! I was wonderin if this is still opened and would you consider characters or art?

Like listed she's mostly listed for Money offers, any Money offers are fine for her! :3

Ohh okay, i just thought since it's an ota itd be like normal ota's :D ty for lmk tho!

You are welcome it often happens!

Hello, do you wish a better frog like this that is humanoid or a later anthro frog or you are fine? :3

You can tell me all the traits she should have in the DMs, like which human ones (maybe like hair for example) and more

heya! thanks for contacting me! I'm currently going through an oc clean out so I unfortunately can't house anymore oc's at this moment :( but thank you again for asking!

That's alright and very good to know i just wanted to know! It's very useful!!! :3