


1 year, 5 months ago



fool of an entrepreneur

At first glance, Champagne might come off as a little snobbish, if not straight up greedy. This isn't necesarily untrue, but it would be a very shallow view of their personality. They may care a lot for wealth, but it is in part so they can spend it on loved ones. In the context of at the office, they will be very aggresive in achieving company goals while also taking care of their coworkers' needs.


prudent ✦ bold ✦ generous

Talk about their personality here. Vivamus eu consectetur lacus, vel venenatis quam. Vivamus non fringilla sem, id ultricies sem. Donec commodo lacus in mollis venenatis. Curabitur ac urna aliquam, bibendum leo vel, imperdiet massa. Nunc vel tortor vestibulum, feugiat ex ultrices, molestie nibh. In condimentum ante lacus, ut commodo risus vulputate ut. Proin eu dictum dolor.

Suspendisse dictum porta lacus, a convallis ex pulvinar non. Suspendisse convallis laoreet risus vitae pharetra. Integer fringilla egestas diam, non blandit mauris tincidunt non. Quisque eget malesuada sem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur lacinia lobortis sapien at mattis. Nam non sapien quis ligula pellentesque interdum. Phasellus ultrices lobortis metus, vitae vehicula velit vestibulum vel. Curabitur quis convallis turpis. Fusce nisl lectus, commodo nec neque quis, sollicitudin sodales purus.


✦ What would I wish for? Money, obviously. ✦

✦ Spend your money and time where it's worth. Me. ✦







paige / "champ"


they / she


february 29


cozie critter




true neutral


✦ I'm a diamond in the rough. Sort of. ✦

Ut augue odio, condimentum eget urna vitae, viverra egestas urna. Nunc vel velit et purus varius ullamcorper vel eleifend eros. Phasellus facilisis semper purus, at blandit lacus pellentesque in. Nunc auctor pharetra diam quis finibus. Aliquam non pellentesque metus. Sed malesuada porttitor tempus. Pellentesque maximus condimentum ante, vitae placerat tortor lobortis sit amet. Phasellus consequat sollicitudin nisl quis fringilla. Aenean sit amet augue et magna condimentum convallis. Suspendisse sollicitudin justo quis condimentum faucibus.

Curabitur elit ligula, tempor sed interdum ac, tempus non nunc. Ut nec enim vitae diam imperdiet scelerisque imperdiet vel justo. Cras eleifend quis diam a cursus. Pellentesque metus nibh, blandit in dolor eget, interdum fermentum magna. Proin eu tellus finibus, dapibus odio eu, dapibus augue.

Donec eget purus consectetur, dignissim diam eu, blandit velit. Proin imperdiet euismod augue quis dignissim. Fusce at consectetur felis, quis euismod magna. Integer venenatis ut nulla eget imperdiet. Suspendisse iaculis commodo elit sit amet sodales. Praesent in est et purus bibendum fringilla. Nullam lobortis pharetra maximus. Mauris tristique in metus vel mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non euismod mauris. Suspendisse ultrices venenatis quam a facilisis.

Aenean laoreet felis ac ultricies mattis. Praesent volutpat, velit ut blandit interdum, magna lorem feugiat leo, at pulvinar enim lorem ac ipsum. Fusce tristique nisi eleifend, auctor quam non, pulvinar lectus. Nam a pellentesque eros, sed vulputate leo. Donec eleifend sit amet ante sed facilisis. Morbi sodales volutpat luctus.

✦ Throwing into first 'cause you're so tempting... ✦

✦ Of course everyone loves me. Who wouldn't? ✦



VAL ✦ gift bomber besties

These two are an absolute force to be reckoned with when it comes to gift giving. Paige might not have the creativity needed for unique gifts, and Val might not have the budget for all their ideas, but the two of them combined bring an absolute maelstrom of affection and goodies.


WORZE ✦ menaces of the party

Why be the life of the party, when you can absolutely destroy the party with a friend? The two of them will certainly come fashionably late to any party and make their presence known. It's not even intentional, honestly, the two are really just that different when out together.


PEANUT ✦ hyped up gym bros

You know those two gym bros who hype each other to a ridiculous point, then have an absolutely amazing workout? Yeah, these two are pretty much the same. They're both super goal oriented, and will motivate the other to the fullest, even if it's a little self-destructive.


✦ What? What's so surprising about me being a nerd? ✦

  • They will often jokingly call themself a "sugar friend" due to their habit of splurging on friends.
  • I am completely aware of their Rarity-like nature. I will not divulge my feelings on this topic any further. /lh
  • Nunc rhoncus aliquam lacus vitae eleifend. Vivamus suscipit orci eu metus ultrices, sit amet lacinia sem ultrices.
  • Nullam at magna ac metus pretium posuere et non velit.
  • Phasellus mollis, lectus a malesuada faucibus, erat sem dignissim risus, at ultricies sapien diam sit amet felis.
  • Proin rhoncus sed dui ut semper. Sed accumsan neque eu gravida viverra.
  • Etiam ac dapibus neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.