


1 year, 4 months ago



Gender: Female

Nature: Sassy

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Magenta/Black

Age: 38

Hometown: Anistar City

Region: Kalos

Trainer Class: Lieutenant

Specializes in: Dark types



Constance is a very professional person who holds the post of lieutenant in the Phobos' research team. She manages a division of team grunts for 15 years before the main team was dissolve.

Personality: Constance is quite greedy. The financial problems became a reason of conflict between her and Japhet. She thinks that he doesn't deserve so much attention from their team leader. Constance has a very quick temper. This means that she may use physical force against anyone (especialy against Japhet).

Pokémon team

  • Galarian Moltres (Signature Pokémon)
  • Umbreon
  • Mightyena



Constanse hates Japhet most of all. Her big dream is to knock out him from the team's life. Japhet tried to became a friend of her, but Constanse rejected his offer. She used a different metods to fulfill her dream. So, the ruined laboratory, a few fights with Japhet and one broken window was her work. However, she always gets away with it because Japhet just can't prove her guilt. Maybe he's afraid of Constance or he just don't care.


Puma was an employee of the team a long time ago but one unexpected thing had happen and he had to leave. Constance was upset by this situation. After that, Puma became another enemy of her like Japhet. Puna disappeared for 15 years and returned one warm spring. But Constance wasn't glad to see him once again. She wasn't a young jolly lady like before. Puma met a cruel and serious woman that he didn't recognize at the first sight.

Raging Raven

Raven is a lovely daughter of Constance. As the mother, she always tries to fulfill all of Raven's wishes, but... She couldn't done one crucial thing. Constanse often worked far from home, so she didn't see her daughter in months. Raven became estranged of her mother. It had started to disturb Constance and one day, when the team was dissolve, she returned home. But Raven wasn't happy to see her mother back. This situation reminded Constance about one person... It reminded her of all anger that she felt about Puma's disappirence, who was the father of Raven. Then Constance got scared at the first time in her life. She took his place... She became a traitor.