HAZCAT 😻 (Background Story)


Basic Info

Character Interactions:


Lúcio, Kiriko, Junkrat, Roadhog, Lifeweaver, Wrecking Ball, Sigma, Bastion, Tracer, Baptiste, Hanzo


Junker Queen, D.Va, Echo, Widowmaker, Winston, Orisa, Ashe, Zarya, Cassidy, Genji, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Sojourn, Soldier 76, Sombra, Torbjorn, Ana, Brigitte, Mercy, Illari


Ramattra, Symmetra, Doomfist, Moira, Reinhardt


MJ was one of many orphaned by the crisis, and learnt to fend for herself, joining a vigilante group of omnics and humans alike wrong-done by conflict (known as The Undivided). Being one of the older children of the group, she often found herself in charge at keeping the young ones in order.

Brought about by her consistent experiences with conflict and loss, she developed a fervid interest in wounds, diseases and death, and the treatment of such. Her intensive studies eventually led her into working as a forensic pathologist before her division was eventually disbanded due to a lack of funds.

Desperate for work, she found herself coerced into a one-time gig in the children's entertainment business, working as a voice actor (and eventual live actor) for an educational series "HAZCAT and friends". The show, (much to everyone's surprise) became a hit and had MJ land permanent work in the industry.

Despite the work giving MJ a steady income, she still yearned to go back to hands-on medical work, and volunteered whenever she could at protests and the like, progressively taking on more dangerous, critical undertakings.

It wasn't long before she got the opportunity to work alongside Overwatch, which she took without hesitation.

This didn't lead to the end of HAZCAT however, instead the franchise's popularity had only increased. It's said after much persuasion she agreed to a deal to keep the character going, and her love-hated alias lives on.