


1 year, 6 months ago





Legal Name
Mnemosyne neh·mow·zeen
(-file lost-)
Identification number
Experimental number
October 31st
Age79 (appears 19)
OccupationNight club owner
ResidenceCold town
ThemeThe Silent

"You trust your memories? Are you sure they're really yours?" 


  On the surface very calm and collected but shy at times

  Respectful to other Revenants

  Kind to her employees and Sired vampires

  BAT SHIT CRAZY (pun intended)

  Prone to violent outbursts even when only lightly pushed

  Volunteered for the experiments to make the Revenants because she was terminally ill, hoping to get cured at the age of 19

  She was the second Revenant to be successfully created

  While  she did get "cured" her illness limited her physical strength and speed  and ended up being the weakest of the Revenants that were created

  During  the time she was undergoing turning into a Revenant her mind  "fractured", the turning was very hard on her mind and body due to her  already being sick

  While getting to know Rex she  got attached to him, they talked as much as possible when they were  allowed to spend time in the common area, also in sign language when  they were in their cells when they couldn't hear each other due to the  thick bullet proof glass

  Many times ended up falling asleep against the glass in her cell so she could be as close to Rex as possible

  Was often punished by the Scientists and Doctors for her violent outbursts 

  Only left with the other Revenants after being convinced by some of the others

  Watched Cronus/Rex kill the head scientist

  Lost her eye during the breakout

  Night  Club has been open for about 13 years and is very popular and  successful with the high end folks in Cold town, not many fights break  out but they happen once in a while but her bouncers try to take care of  it before Mnemosyne gets involved due to knowing about her outbursts

  has been a Revenant for 60 years now


  only  one eye is real, the other is fake. most of the time she wears one that  looks shattered but sometimes wears one that matches her real eye

  Tends to hide the jagged scars over her heart and on her wrists with clothing or makeup

  Real eye turns gold when shes using her abilities and red when enraged

  Will never wear bracelets and hates anything on her wrists

  Wears  high heels almost all the time no matter where she's going or what  she's doing, they give her an extra 3 or 4 inches and make her feel  taller

  Revenant Qualities  

  Superior strength and Speed (Is actually the weakest of the Revenants, but is still stronger/faster than most vampire and humans)   Fastest Reflexes of the Revenants
  Memory manipulation (Can manipulate memories to her liking by adding or erasing parts of them)
  Memory erase (can erase whole memories)
  Memory view (can observe memories. the more prominent the memory the clearer she can view it. ex, a childhood memory can be pretty clear if it's thought of a lot, like a good memory or trauma)
  Memory repair (Can repair any memory damaged for any reason. be it herself playing with it or the cause of a head injury)
  Her powers can be used even at a distance but work better and faster if she's making physical contact with the target
  Is immune to anyone with the weaker abilities that are related to her abilities
  Sunlight is uncomfortable, but they are still able to walk around  during the day, silver is the main weakness

  District 2  

  Upper class with many popular businesses

  has it's fair share of crime


  has about 10 or 12 Vampires she's sired and there are a few more vampires that her sired vampires turned
  Has 8 Crow Familiars, they bring her shiny objects, each Crow has a pendent that tells other Revenants and Vampires that they belong to her
  Owns "The Glass Eye" Night club
  All her staff are vampires, not all she's sired.  
  All her sired vampires were willing, none were forced
  Fond of shiny objects
  Favorite color is gold
  Doesn't remember her real name due to being called Mnemosyne for so long
  Some of her memories are fractured due to trauma from turning
  Only Cronus/Rex and Lapetus know her real name but she refuses to let them call her by it
  She knows Cronus/Rex's birthday but doesn't bring it up because he doesn't seem interested in celebrating
  Tends to refer to other Revenants by the code name they were called during the experiments
  Is capable of repairing her own memories but chooses not to, she doesn't want to relive any trauma that she might have forgotten
  Drinks alcohol on occasion, but nothing too strong and tries to stay as sober as possible 
  Cronus/Rex is the only one who can calm her down from one of her rage fits since she's known him the longest out of the Revenants
  Her rage fits are often random but others are caused by her staff or herself being disrespected, but her worst ones are caused by someone putting Rex in danger or even threatened 
  When in a fit her sired vampires will get in touch with Rex by texting an "SOS" to him