


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Full name:

Medusa, M. Woods.


Winged zombie wolf

Where from:



Aries ♈









Height (From paws to head)

4' l 1.2M


57lbs l 25,8Kg

Health issues:

Kinda dead

Negative personality traits:

Unpredictable, destructive, immature, rebelious.

Positive personality traits:

Adventurous, Courageous, Curious, Creative, Sensitive.

Languages spoken:

Lithuanian l Latvian l English


Rainy days, music, playing with plushies, flowers, food, girls and boys, spending time alone, cuddling pillows.


Liars, crowded areas, reading, annoying kids, sunny and hot days, mushrooms, bad hair days.


Flying, heights.


Born in the boarder of Lithuania/Latvia, had always been a problematic child, from small things taking things from people to getting into fights with other kids her age. Making enemies was a near certainty for her. As the years went on into her teenage years she eventually dealt with the consequences of her actions, but she never grew out of her immaturity and kept being just as destructive. From those days on, Medusa became more and more bitter and hostile. Sinking into a world view that demanded he be tougher, stronger, and therefore more respected than everyone else. As she was on a trip with her unknown familly member to Belarus, her familly would always tell her to keep a safe distance from the ground to not fall to her death, Medusa did not respect her family's warnings and started to obey them, went at full speed to get to her trip as soon as possible, as rebelious as she was, her familly was right, she got into an accident as she flew, her wing got a massive ache, she couldn't keep the balance on her other wing, she kept flapping her wing that increased her speed whilst falling to her death. It was truly a tragic event to her family, she was berried where she was born and raised. After 70 years, she managed to be reborn as an undead creature, with her broken wing, unable to fly. Medusa's personality remained the same after the undead reincarnation. She does not remember having any family, or who they were.


Fun facts about Medusa: 

⚫She can't taste food, she loves the way she feels it moving through her body. 

⚫Has ability of flight, tried to face her fears, only flying at emergincies. 

⚫Has missing feathers on her right wing. 

⚫Takes a lot of care on her hair. 

⚫Very emotional. 

⚫Medusa has extremely poor stamina and is only really strong or fast for short bursts of effort. Afterwards he needs at least a couple minutes to rest and recover before he's able to do so again. 

⚫Medusa sleeps on average about twelve hours a day 

⚫Medusa till lacks of intelligence since her teen years and is equally as curious as a child. 

⚫She doesn't understand the concept of sex. But she does feel forced affection towards both genders.

⚫Medusa doesn't like to feed on brains, even when her nature forces her she tries not to get taken over by the urge, and prefers to devour small animals over her feral friends, BUT she does devour her enemies that bring her harm.