


1 year, 5 months ago



Name Dafne | 27
Species Jolteon
Gender Fluid
Pronouns She/They/He
Height 5'5"
Orientation 46189083_55FAfGs4Ag1bfd7.png 46186570_JPOlboKmyQyAwCP.png


Quirky // Scatters things often
Volt Absorb

Dafne is light-hearted and cheery, perhaps a little too much so. It seems it's difficult for her to register tones and she can be incredibly oblivious to when others are upset. She always seems pretty positive, and is very forgetful, sometimes to a worrying degree. Dafne is clumsy, and is quick to forget what she's doing, causing her to drop whatever she is holding at the time. Despite her fun and friendly nature, it's best to avoid her if you're the sensitive or sentimental type...because Dafne is fully capable of forgetting things, special events like birthdays, dates, even a person's interests. She doesn't do it on purpose by any means. Honestly, she wishes she wasn't so forgetful. That's why she tries to take notes for everything, but even that she forgets to do.
Dafne lives in Zapapico. She chose to move there...only because it had 'Zap' in the name, despite it being totally unrelated. She makes money selling homemade drinks as a street vendor. Due to a lot of construction going on in Zapapico, she sells a lot of fresh lemonade to the hard workers, and is happy to inconspicuously hike up the price when the weather is hot. She's gotta make a living somehow!

Anything but Ordinary - Avril Lavigne

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