


1 year, 5 months ago


Paeris Morningthorne
Nickames TBA
Age 27
Pronouns he/him
Birthday December 30
Species half-elf
Voice TBA
Height 178cm (5'10")
Alignment lawful good
Playlist The Main Character
Faerie Island
Sacred Beast
Personality out of touch rich himbo :) he's way too confident for someone who doesn't really know what he's doing
Backstory Basically the trophy child of a rich family who was raised and trained to be their perfect glorious paladin. Except that he never actually got any real experience and was always just trained in the safety of his own home where he could get whatever he wanted. He spent his whole life believing he was this great knight only to get a reality check and now he's off on a quest to prove that actually no he IS super cool and worthy of all the praise.
  • paladin of lathander
  • he has some healing magic, although he's not great at it and prefers not to use it because he finds blood gross
  • he's demiromantic, but unaware of it
  • elven on his mother's side, human on his father's side

Design Notes
  • his eyes are green I just don't really draw it
  • his hair is somewhere between curly and wavy but more on the curly side
Faerze travel partner
In the beginning of their relationship, Paeris acted as a personal bodyguard for Faerze, and in exchange Faerze would allow him to accompany them on their journies to various cities and points of interest. The nature of their relationship quickly became less professional and more platonic, and now they explore together as good friends.