


1 year, 9 months ago


Quote here


> Caring > “Oh are you alright? Sit down and tell me about it.”
-Butterflydawn looks upon those around them with love and kindness. From a young age, they have consistently offered their support to other cats, including those that haven’t always been the kindest to them.

>  Dedicated > “I’ll keep trying to help you, even if it’s all for naught.”
-When given a task, they won’t stop until the very end. Butterflydawn is dedicated to their work and friends, putting the utmost amount of effort in to see their work pay off. Even when things start to go south. Butterflypaw will stick through with their duties.

> Intelligent > “Yes yes I understand.”
-Quick to learn, Butterflydawn has always been an intelligent cat from a young age. They soak up information like a sponge and can put what they’ve learned into action with relative ease. They’re keen on thinking up new ideas through logic and putting them to use when the need arrives.


> Enigmatic >
-It’s often difficult to tell what Butterflydawn is thinking and even harder to figure out their motives. They aren’t trying to hide them of course, but due to this they often come off as mysterious and even a bit odd due to their unpredictability.

> Questioning > “Is that so, but why?”
-Life is full of so many questions, and Butterflydawn feels obliged to ask them all. They want to know why and how things work instead of “just because they do”. This often works to their benefit as they don’t accept things as just black and white, but it can annoy other cats who are simply trying to teach a lesson.

> Whimsical > “If you listen close enough, the wind feels like it’s whispering to you.”
-Butterflydawn always seems to have a playfully quaint air to them, making them come off as odd to some and funny to others. They’re often oblivious to this and their strange remarks tend to come up during situations where seriousness is needed. This of course isn’t to say that they can’t be serious when the time truly needs it, as even Butterflydawn can recognize that.


>Delicate > “Oh erm…”
-Like a butterfly’s wing, their feelings are delicate and easily hurt. Butterflydawn can’t help but feel hurt at times by even the slightest dirty look. It almost brings them to tears, although they don’t hold on to these feelings for more than a day unless someone’s actions are a bit more extreme.

> Perfectionist > “It’s not perfect so it’s not finished.”
-Once Butterflydawn has started something, it’s very seldom that they’ll stop before they’ve made something perfect in their eyes. If something isn’t done perfectly, then it isn’t done right. This often leads them to spend tireless hours trying to make something perfect when it's impossible.

> Wishful > “Alas, I wish it was so.”
-Butterflydawn has a problem with putting their actions into well, action. They often sit and wait, hoping that good luck will come their way or by chance, something will be magically fixed. This of course, almost never works in their favor save for finding a pretty butterfly. As they’ve grown, they’ve gotten better at taking initiative in situations, but they still hold on to their wishfulness.


Prefix meaning
for the color of their fur
Suffix meaning
for their dedication to their patients despite the odds
Previous names
Butterflykit, Butterflypaw

Past Clans
Past ranks
kit, herbalist-apprentice

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
15+ moons


Appearance > A grey colorpoint with wispy fur and blue eyes
Build > thin and graceful
Fur >soft and wispy

Scent >fir trees and elderberries
Voice > xxx


Breeds: moggie

Height: 27 cm
Weight: 8.1 lbs 


Scars >
Accessories > x2 butterfly wings
Bans >
Other items used >









  • Agility [5/10]
  • Stealth [6/10]
  • Speed [7/10]
  • Strength [4/10]
  • Endurance [4/10]
  • Climbing [4/10]
  • Swimming [5/10]


  • Sight [5/10]
  • Scent [8/10]
  • Hearing [5/10]
  • Taste [5/10]
  • Touch [5/10]


  • Den Building [5/10]
  • Battle tactics [3/10]
  • Hunting tactics [3/10]
  • Kitting [6/10]
  • Herbal [9/10]
  • Insect Identification [4/10]
  • Sign Language [8/10]


>> Plumfeather > Mother > A blue-grey colorpoint with green eyes > Alive
>> Stagheart > Parent > A cream cat with blue eyes > Alive


>> Mothkit > A cream colorpoint with green eyes > deceased
>> Beekit > A cream kit with blue eyes > deceased


>> Name > Description > User


>> Name > Description > User


>> Name > Description > User


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
crushes/romantic encounters/etc
Looking for
nothing, married to their rank
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • Grey fur
  • Interesting
  • trait


  • Boring
  • Not interested in herbs
  • trait


Kithood [0-6 moons] >

    Stagheart and Plumfeather hadn't intended to even have kits at first. They had been having on and off flings, although nothing serious had ever occurred until Plumfeather discovered she was expecting kits. Neither of the newfound parents knew how to care for kits, but they decided to step up and officially become mates before their kit's birth. Plumfeather gave birth to three sickly kits, naming them Butterflykit, Mothkit, and Beekit. Mothkit died before their first night was over, Stagheart and Plumfeather were heartbroken. Neither couldn't dwell on it though, still having to care for two sickly kits. Mothkit passed away two nights later, leaving the young couple with Butterflykit. The two parents grieved the loss of their kits, but they knew that there was nothing different they could've done.

    Butterflykit spent her first moon in the herbalist den before she was strong enough to safely stay in the nursery. Not long after she decided to start using they/them pronouns. In their mind it just stuck better than she or he or even xir.

    Finally able to explore camp, Butterflykit came upon little insects. They were all so neat and so varied. The little kit especially loved butterflies, which was their namesake! They'd often try to learn as much as they could about the little creatures, watching them for nearly an hour at a time rather than batting around a mossball or chasing another kit.

    When they were two moons old Plumfeather became sick with white cough. Butterflykit was worried for their mother but Stagheart assured them that she was strong enough to pull through the sickness. The little kit often visited their mother in the herbalist den while she was being treated. Butterflykit couldn't help but be mystified by all the scents and herbs. They would usually ask  Fisherbat what each herb was, hoping to discern which herb was which. It was all so amazing! Butterflykit couldn't help but admire the lone herbalists, being able to hold so much knowledge and treat so many cats.

    Even after Plumfeather got better Butterflykit still visited the herbalist den in hopes of witnessing the herbalist treating someone or sorting through herbs. They were like a ghost when they weren't asking questions, silently watching in the background before they got shooed away when a serious patient came in. When they left the herbalist den they told everyone about all the amazing things they saw. Stagheart and Plumfeather were by far the most interested, nodding along to Butterflykit's seemingly endless stream of information.

    One day one of the older caretakers named Plovertail went on a walk and was later found dead. The caretaker had been there since they were born, and now they were gone. Butterflykit was sad that they would never see him again and hoped Plovertail was happy in Starclan where he belonged.

    Once they were nearing their apprenticeship an idea popped into their head. What if they became a herbalist? It wasn't out of the question and it would be wonderful to devote her time to something that peaked their interest! When they told Plumfeather and Stagheart, the two were supportive and happy that their kit wanted to devote their life to their clan. Butterflykit only wished that the herbalist would choose them as an apprentice.

Apprenticeship [6-12 moons] >

    Butterflykit felt just a bit nervous as they walked up to receive their mentor. What if they weren't chosen to be Fisherbat's apprentice? They certainly didn't want to be warrior, they wanted to study herbs and help others. They were named Butterflypaw and given Fisherbat as their mentor. They could practically leap to the moon and back! The new apprentice couldn't help but ask the herbalist just about any question that came to mind whether it was about herbs or broken bones. They hoped that they'd be a worthy herbalist, and they'd certainly try their best.

    Not long after they become an apprentice, Flywing discovered she was expecting kits and Coaltuft was released from the herbalist den, his wounds finally healed. Butterflypaw was happy for the both of them. Unfortunately, Pumpkinstem was found dead near Willowpool's grave. Butterflypaw couldn't fathom why a cat would do something so terrible, but they were sure the molly would find peace in starclan.

    It had been some time since the kit request and a rogue that had assisted Marshclan in a fight joined the clan under the name Taloncry. Butterflypaw thought he  seemed interesting, and they hoped they would turn out to be a wonderous clanmate. Not long after, Honeybee gave birth to Tulipkit, Poppykit, Pansykit, Iriskit, and Daisykit. The herbalist apprentice thanked the stars that all five kits had arrived healthy and mewling with the help of Fisherbat.

    Unfortunately, as much as they wished everything in Marshclan would stay perfect, the tides of fate thought otherwise. Bullflower and Larktrial were both found dead in the territory, and it was apparent that another cat had killed them. It was... dreadful and Butterflypaw wished they could've had even the chance to have healed them. Toadcackle was also brought to herbalist den for a fever not longer after. Fisherbat taught them the herbs needed to treat a fever, something Butterflypaw found delight in. They certainly wouldn't want their clanmate sick, but it was thrilling to learn something new.

    Butterflypaw loved each of the herbalists from the other clans. They could leap to the moon with joy when it came to talking to others about herbs and their uses. One of those cats was Isopodpaw, Singeflicker's apprentice, at least until... he got reassigned. Butterflypaw couldn't help but feel just a tad sad over it. Singeflicker explained that they just weren't ready to take on apprentice. Butterflypaw hoped that one day Isopodpaw would be able to join them again. Bramblechirp had been a warrior before they became a herbalist, maybe Isopodpaw could do the same one day!

   Butterflypaw sometimes forgot that Fisherbat had a mother. They just couldn't imagine him as a kit, but of course they had one. In fact, Lightember was expecting a second litter of kits. Maybe if they were lucky the molly would have another kit that adored herbs as much as Fisherbat. That would be thrilling! Although, could herbalists even have two apprentices at once?

    No matter how many herbs they gave Toadcackle, the tom just didn't seem to recover. It was strange, and eventually the tom succumbed to his fever. Butterflypaw wished they had been able to help the tom more. Even worse, their camp was attacked by the empire one day. Butterflypaw thanked the stars that their herbs hadn't been raided. Unfortunately, both Dapplecrash and Lilydawn were killed in the attack and Lightember had been kidnapped. Butterflypaw could only imagine what their poor mentor was going through.

    Flywing eventually gave birth to Fleakit and Roachkit, two healthy kits! Butterflypaw was glad that after so much tradegy, there was still some light shining down from Starclan. Frostheart discovered she was expecting a second litter of kits not longer after.

    Bramblechirp decided to take on an apprentice not too many moons after he became a herbalist. Butterflypaw was hopeful that this time no reassignment would happen. Pearpaw seemed like an interesting cat, and they were thrilled to have another cat around their age training to be herbalist again.

    Pipitchirp and Snaketongue were released from the herbalist den, and only a day later Snapcreek was as well. Butterflypaw was always happy to see their patients recover and eventually leave the herbalist den. After over a moon, Lightember suddenly returned from the empire. The molly was shaken and only signed briefly to cats close to her. Butterflypaw felt terrible for the queen, no amount of herbs would ever heal the events Lightember had experienced as much as Butterflypaw wished they would.

   It took a bit longer than Pipitchirp and Snaketongue, but eventually Hyacinthsky and Cedarbark were well enough to leave the herbalist den. Lightember gave birth to Sootkit and Sturgeonkit not long after. Butterflypaw hoped that even after everything, Lightember could manage to have a happy family with her newly born kits. Frostheart gave birth to Fernkit, Dandelionkit, and Ladybugkit after some time had passed. There were so many kits in the nursery, and even though Butterflypaw had no desire to ever have kits of their own, they enjoyed seeing so many new lives arriving to Marshclan.

    A patrol returned one day after an attack with an injured rogue named Bellflower. The white molly told tales of the empire killing their kits, and Butterflypaw's heart hurt for them. Cats should never have to kill, and especially not kits! Butterflypaw wished that one day all the fighting one stop and they could finally live in peace.

    Singeflicker arrived to the half-moon meeting with a new apprentice named Elmpaw. Butterflypaw had hoped Isopodpaw would return one day, but perhaps they had found joy in being a warrior rather than a herbalist. Nevertheless, Butterflypaw was once again overjoyed that yet another young had joined the herbalists.

   Bellflower eventually joined Marshclan and took the name Bellflowersnow. Butterflypaw wasn't surprised, the white rogue had been so interested in their clan and their way of life. Unfortunately, not long after Dandelionkit was brought to their herbalist den due to suddenly falling ill. They tried their hardest to help the little kit.

    A group of Cloudclan cats arrived to Marshclan injured and with kits. It seemed the empire had driven them out and destroyed their home. Butterflypaw was shocked, how could Starclan allow something like this to happen? A few days later Antpatch was found in the territory with a broken leg. Fisherbat and them tried their best to mend the broken leg, but Antpatch's healing proved to be difficult.

    More Cloudclan cats arrived to Marshclan, although this time from the tunnels. Butterflypaw couldn't imagine what it was like to be trapped underground for so long. They wondered if any special herbs grew down in the tunnels. Maybe they'd have to check one day! Even better, Singeflicker had taken on yet another apprentice. Some of the other herbalists were unsure, but if Starclan had chosen Firepaw then everything would turn out alright in the end.

   Dandelionkit just didn't seem to be getting better, and they eventually started to try different assortments of herbs on the kit with Fisherbat's permission. Butterflypaw refused to let Starclan take the little kit. Eventually through hardwork and mostly sheer luck, Butterflypaw managed to treat Dandelionkit's illness.

Herbalist [14 - present moons] >

   Due to their hard work and dedication, Fisherbat granted them the name Butterflydawn a moon early. Butterflydawn was overjoyed, and promised they would do their best for Marshclan's sake. Not much changed after they became a full herbalist, and they were always ready to learn more whenever Fisherbat had something to say.

    Their treatment for Dandelionkit worked initially, and the kit was released from the herbalist den the same day they received their new name. Unfortunately, the little kit took a sudden turn for the worse after some time had passed. Butterflydawn felt crushed seeing their young patient back again. They... they wouldn't give up.

    Tradegy just seemed to follow once again, with Birchfire passing away not long after giving birth to Robinkit and Gourdkit. With no parents left, Sundropsight adopted the orphaned kits. Butterflydawn was glad the little kits had someone to look out for them.

    Fernkit and Ladybugkit became apprentices, but poor Dandelionkit was too ill and was held back in the herbalist den. Butterflydawn had hoped that they'd be able to get the kit healthy before their apprentice ceremony, but it seemed like hardly enough helped anymore, with their initial cure only lessening the symptoms a bit. Howlsun passed away in their sleep from an unknown illness not many days later, and Butterflydawn could only wonder what illness was striking their clan.

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First Impressions

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First Impression

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