


6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Navalis

Age: 37 (Looks more like he is 20)

Race: Half Elf

Height: Five foot nine

Weight: 152 Pounds

Build: Is is of a rather average build, some muscle but not a whole lot. Slim in other areas but not too slime.

ComplexionHis skin is pale much like his elven father, but his skin is rather rough much like his human mother. 

Hair: White as snow, but cut rather short. Isn't as soft or long as an Elves hair. 

Eyes: Green

Class: Blood Hunter

AlignmentChaotic Neutral 

Personality: A highly cynical person who doesn't really have the best outlook on the world, or the people living in it. He doesn't give anyone his respect seeing as he feels no one grants him any either, he feels like he is torn between two worlds and will never belong anywhere in the world. He isn't very hopeful, so don't go looking to him for emotional support or words of encouragement. His lack of respect for people extends to his enemies, one could have him on the ropes or could be about to end his life and he still won't humble himself or ask for mercy- he'll insult them and taunt them to his bitter end. 

That is not to say he couldn't change, though it take a special kind of person to get at him and break his shell and get him to open up, especially if they are human or elf as he holds a special kind of resentment towards them. 

Bio: Growing up with the taunting and teasing of the human children who didn't think he was normal, and the disapproval of the Elves who felt he was inferior- Navalis has grown an extreme hatred towards humans and elves, and is especially vicious towards them in battle. He also has a distrust and dislike of other people, believing he is the only one who is doing anything to look into the darkness of the world as he believes that the end times will be upon them soon if they do not do anything about it. His studies into the dark arts at a young age resulted in his parents disowning him, though he wasn't exactly heartbroken over this seeing as he believed they were the monsters who brought him into this world.