


9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Cerunnos (Name taken from the Celtic God of Fertility, Life, Animals, Wealth, and the Underworld)




As old as time itself.








Absolutely huge. Large enough for humans to settle and build atop of it into a form of town. Sometimes considered the breathing mountain.

 Wise, Knowledgeable, Thoughtful and Truthful.

 Long ago when humans were first becoming civilized and many mystical creatures still roamed earth, Cerunnos was considered a god. Born from human needs and 'red rain' (lava), the creature formed from the side of a mountain and began its life, though many believed it was always alive in the heavens above from the beginning of time and only chose to 'be' when the humans needed it most.

When the humans encountered struggles in everyday life and could not survive in the treacherous lands they had been born into, Cerunnos came to their aid and offered them safety on its back. At first it was only small huts, but as the numbers grew through fertility and stragglers picked up on the way, the humans began to carve at the god’s body and create stone homes and villages. The religion soon started to spread across the land, further than just those on its back, and many held Cerunnos in great respect. Cerunnos would walk every day from dawn until dusk, and in the night, find safe places below the stars to rest, though never sleeping.

Those who lived on his back evolved faster and faster, in a great society where all were equal. When internal struggles rose, Cerunnos would speak to them and sort out their troubles as fairly as possible. Trouble makers would be kicked off its back and left to fend for themselves in the world, those of which later spread and created other civilisations.

However on one impossibly hot day, Cerunnos became weak under the sun and requested that it take a break from its eternal walking, if only for an hour or two. The humans were weary and worried, but allowed it so. However Cerunnos accidentally fell asleep for the first time in its life during that break, and while it was down, hundreds of outlanders, raiders and other misfits unworthy of living on the god climbed up the beast and attacked those who thought they were safe. They killed all the men, and kidnapped the women and children off the beast. By the time Cerunnos had awoken, its back was lit in flames and the loud screams of families being torn apart flooded its head. Everything that wasn’t stone was burnt down, including those who hid deep within the beasts back before they could be killed or stolen.

The god wailed in grief and pain, and then attacked all of who was left behind. They scattered like ants, but Cerunnos was not done there. Stomping the ground, it caused earthquakes from miles away and set off volcanos thought to be extinct. Roaring so loud, thunderstorms consumed the lands, forming tsunamis and tornados towards the wrong doers. The havoc went on and on for almost a year, still trying to take down every last human it could. However on the first day of the New Year, a young man with a stolen, sacred sword stood in front of the vengeful beast with his horse, ready to take it on. Risking his life and climbing to the very top of the thrashing, stomping and enraged god, he found the creature’s weak spots (the eyes, and then the roof of its mouth) and killed Cerunnos, but also died in the process.

When Cerunnos died, the natural disasters calmed down, hundreds of thousands of new species of animals were born from its runes, and the boy that had died in the mouth of the beast was said to be reborn somewhere, at some time.

Thus the history of Cerunnos was lost too, as the remains were taken back by the earth and humans lost faith in it being a god, and was rather just a beast who showed kindness to a weak animal in need.