
1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Chili

Nickname: x

Gender: Male

Pronoums: He\His

Sexuality: Bi

Age: 19

Birthday: 20\1

Height: 1,80

Species: Cat

Role: stock replenisher

Theme: Im not a robot

About: He's a Cat who just wants to live a quiet life and start a family

Personality: He is kind and very attentive, and very smart and polite, but he gets mad when women are disrespected, ah, and he is a huge simp

Likes: Womens, sweet food, peace, talk with people

Deslikes: When they make fun of him, disrespect to women, farms

Backstory: He was born on a small farm with his parents and his 12 siblins, his parents were very strict, they trained the boys to work on the farm and the girls to be housewives, but he didn't want to live forever as a farmer even though his parents tried to oblige, so at the first opportunity he moved and went to live with his cousins in a small town, where he found a group of lumberjacks, among them a dog called Raspberry, he gets along with everyone, except Raspberry, because he had several girlfriends, but never having paid due attention to them, that left him with rancidity, but while they were getting to know each other, he ended up accidentally discovering that he liked boys too.

Trivia: He has klinefelter syndrome

Everyone make fun of him because of his bad luck with girls

He have a "group" with his favorite siblins, they are the black sheeps of the family

When I created it I was inspired by the character "Chiffon" by sir fluff, but the inspiration was lost over time

Relationships: Salt and Sugar: His parents, he is not verry close to then

Pepper: His favoryte sister, he admires your independence and strength

Hot Sauce and Chilaquilles: his favorite brothers, he admires they persistence and they music talent

Raspberry: His boyfriend, he really loves him