

Name Oracle
Age unknown
Species Swamp Spirit
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Sexuality Grey-asexual

Deep in the swamp you might find Oracle, a friendly spirit of the swamp who, provided you don’t mean harm, would happily help you.


  • Guitar music
  • Plants
  • Board games


  • Rudeness and disrespect
  • The cold
  • Mechanical sounds



Oracle typically appears as an grey-green anthromorphic alligator with eyes with black sclera and lime green pupils.

Oracle, in her favored form, prefers fancy, layered dresses, big sunhats with beads and feathers and necklaces, such as a string of pearls.

Oracle’s true form is a hulking alligator monster with a thick sheet of mossy and foliage on her head and going down her back to her tail. A pair of branch-like horns are on top of her head with other branches coming out of the sheet like spikes. Reed-like whiskers come from her snout.


Oracle is content to stay where she is but she is still rather personable and kind, especially to her fellow humans and Noxchildren. In fact, her favored form was made specifically to appear friendly. She’s happy to help how she can and feels good when she can. She’s especially kind to the less privileged and needy and many a those in need have simply found her. Many describe her as motherly. But like any true mother, if someone threatens her swamp or those she cares for, the full weight of her wrath will fall upon them.


Deep in the southern swamps lives Oracle. While few know her, those that do say she is very kind, if reclusive. She’s the person you go to if you need an obscure or even magical solution and she’s happy to help. She’s been there for generations and some say she’s been there for much much longer than that even.


Like most other spirits, Oracle has mastery over illusions. She uses them typically to craft her usual form, made specifically to appear somewhat friendly, but has been known to appear frightening if the situation calls for it. She also uses it in this manner if she needs to scare someone away. Those that can see past the Glamour or have artifacts that can allow it, will see past the illusion and at his true form.

Oracle can control and augment plant life within her domain. Though, she often likes cultivating her plants the traditional way.

She has an innate ability for potions and magical artifacts, able to tell what they do and how they were made by touching them.


  • All her powers are most powerful while she’s in the swamp. Outside it, they are more weak. Her illusions don’t hold up as well and she struggles to hold them.
  • While she has little interaction with modern media, she does like board and card games.
  • Lyra and her family have met Oracle before and retain a good relationship with her.
  • Oracle was first created in 2018 as part of a group of regional spirits, hers representing the South.

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