


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info





Hero name







Iset was taken by the government as a child, when she first started showing symptoms of her powers. They faked a family tragedy of a car crash, but faked it real good ; Iset's parents and siblings were killed in the process. Being taken away to a hidden lab, Iset was a part of a wider research, for the government was trying to distinguish genes or any DNA parts that could potentially mean that the person is prone to developing powers in the future.
The researchers motto was "anything, as long as it shows results" - meaning they performed various tests, sometimes even cruel and inhumane ones, to get anything out of her and other subjects. Technically she was dead, so nobody would ever know.
The tests, conditions in which she was held in and being exposed to other powers might have had a significant impact on how her own powers developed. When she was first brought in as a 13 year old girl, she couldn't go as far as seeing dreams and manipulating them a little bit, and also going grayer than a normal person when she pulled a one-nighter to read a book. I suppose that if she wouldn't be captured, she could go into dream manipulating and putting people to sleep only, combined with going grey when sleep-deprived. But after so much trauma and chemicals being put into her body, she developed other powers.


- seeing distant locations from bird perspective
- floating, but it's very limited: she can float up and down verticularly not higher than six meters and is not able to "fly" sideways nor forwards
- can create a golden dust that puts people to sleep instantly (n/a for ones with mind-related powers)
- when approached, can see through other being's dreams. it does not matter if the person is sleeping or not, nor if they remember their dreams. goes as far back as three dreams, nothing more and nothing less. can not predict future dreams, but can manipulate them, bring them or take them as the person is sleeping
- the less she sleeps, the more powerful she is with her powers, but also her skin goes from natural brown to gray gradually. she prefers to sleep though