Fritz (Frizzy, Frederick)



1 year, 5 months ago



  • OTHER NAMES; Frizzy (Nickname), Frederick (Real name)
  • PRONOUNS; He/They
  • GENDER; Nonbinary, masc-leaning
  • ORIENTATION; 47868723_j6Wo8nbQp9tbtYG.png

  • AGE; ??
  • HEIGHT; 5'2
  • SPECIES; Human
  • ORIGINAL TO; Spooky Month



          Fritz, otherwise known as Frizzy by anyone close to him, is primarily a front-desk employee at the vhs + dvd rental shop 'Rent-A-Flix'! Mostly anxious of a personality, but he just genuinely wants to do his job and help people enjoy their movie shopping. He's known to be.. very socially awkward, usually mistaking conversation tones for something unintentional with most strangers- But it's not impossible to talk with him if someone's sure to be a returning customer that's patient enough with him!! 

         However, he hates confrontation. Making him a slight doormat if there's any type of authority figure with a strict enough tone. If pushed to a point, he'll stand his ground when needed or uncomfortable. While Fritz sticks better with people who don't approach him outright to talk on the spot, he does seem to get along well with high-energy customers!

         Not much is known about how he grew up, where he even moved in from, but he's preferred staying known as that one rental guy who's too nervous for his own good. Keeping shut tight about any questions regarding customers who pry about Rent-A-Flix's innerworkings, such as; Number one rule of the store, never go to the backroom. Number two, don't stay past sunset, don't even think about coming when the sun's down. Three, don't hang outside at any cost even if you're not shopping there, etc. 

         And- for being the only employee remaining, out of four previous employees, his boss seems to pay him well! Not that Fritz would leave the job anyway, he knows too much to just walk away like that.

         Fritz is autistic + adhd, also has cptsd, anxiety. All undiagnosed, as he doesn't entirely have the funds for proper therapy sessions, but he's managing on his own at least,,

         LIKES; Collecting old media (VHS, Cassette tapes, vintage labels, theater posters, etc), Slasher films from the 80s, ARGs, Ghost hunting shows, slushies, summer, rainstorms, weighted blankets, Gene (His boss), nice customers, quiet work weeks

         DISLIKES; Destruction of old media, modern horror (It's too freaky for his tastes), dropping things, loud sudden bangs, area of a room getting too cluttered, personal items being rearranged, snow, power outages, rude customers, people forcing things on him, being overstimulated

         Primarily is seen wearing an arm cast on his right arm (His left, if viewed from his perspective), from when his arm was broken a few years back. He continues to wear it into work so customers who disrespect front-desk service won't be so hard on him if they take up complaints with him. Doesn't always work, but he appreciates when people offer him sympathetic looks to show he's cared about by the general public who shop at the rental

         His arm was broken by his doctor, as in- A few years back when he was on a date with some potential partner of his, he ended up walking directly into a photo booth, toppled it over, and received a camera flash directly in the face! Which.. meant he also suffered slight injury thanks to the flash, toppling over in the booth, and having no way to see where the hell he was going. With Fritz, somewhat blinded, stumbling out of what fell over.. he tripped directly into his date- Caused them to scrape across a booth countertop, and wacked his head on the ground!

         Waking up in the hospital with his minor injuries, plus head injury, being treated by a doctor- He eventually struck up conversation with them about how horrible his night had been, or- what he remembered of it at least
..Which coincidentally lined up with the doctor's daughter coming home from their 'worse date ever', injured and embarrassed by what happened to her, the date having done.. exactly what had happened to Fritz.


Which meant the doctor personally broke his arm for it.





Gene, being Fritz's boss, means he does his best to keep a professional relationship with the guy. Despite Fritz's more unprofessional anxieties, he genuinely does appreciate Gene's more easy-going responses towards any sort of work-related slipups he may have. Never taking Gene for granted, not only because they're both in the same movie rental business boat, but also due to working together on more personal matters. Buried missing reports relating to Rent-A-Flix, for example.

Fritz is very aware he's kept around still for a reason, and he's aware of what Gene's capable of, never pushing the bounds of what his job entitles. and ...Despite this, he can't help but feel a sort of soft spot for the guy, admiration, or affection even. Gene's practically his biggest crush, and he'll do whatever it is he needs to stay on the guy's good side.



Norm, while only becoming friends in recent, could be considered a close- or at least mutual friend of Fritz's! Bonding over a shared fixation for ghost hunting, paranormal happenings around the town, and love of older slasher films- They became fast friends realizing they're both incredibly willing to listen to each other ramble on about just about anything.

...Besides Norm attempting to pry Fritz open about the odd nature of Rent-A-Flix, testing limits before he gets in trouble, Fritz quickly came around to enjoying Norm's company when the other shows up as a returning customer!
Occasionally bringing Fritz along to investigate paranormal hotspots, you'd expect the poor guy to flip the fuck out thanks to his anxiety, especially with Norm sneaking up behind to give Fritz a good startle on the occasion- But thanks to his 'past experience' working alongside Gene, Fritz can actually take it rather well once the scare has worn off, making him unfortunately a fun victim of ghost activity.

Gene + icon art belongs to Pastel__Draws !! Norm + icon art belongs to JUGGALOJUICE
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