screams and shits

heyo!! i would LOVE to offer art for alpaca number 1!! i feel like theyd be bffs with a watermelon llama i have lmao. heres examples of my art, i'd be down to create a colored fullbody for you. 

(btw these designs are genuinely so amazing and creative?? i was so pleased to see this was an OTA!)

HI SO UM i moved accs and dont have the login back to this one but i just wanted to say you can have that guy for free and dont need to offer anything! tysm for offering in the first place im sorry i didnt see this on my old acc

AFUAHUAHAU I NEVER THOUGHTD YOU WOULD COME BACK OMG....really grateful you checked in over here wahh!!!!  ALSO YAY OMG THANK YOU i thought abt him so so ecstatic!!!!!! have fun on ur new acc :) ALSO u dont have to . but wuld i be able to grab another alpaca? it was already SUPES generous of u to give me this one for free, but i dont want anyone to rot here :sob: but its cool if not !! B)

YAURS OMG!! literally choose whichever ones u want idm! u can have all of em except the alien doctor !!

WHAAT YOURE KIDDING??? HOOOLLYYYY SHIIIYEET......MY are making my dreams come true....yes i would love to have them all except alien doctor (HAHAH EVEN A FEW MONTHS AGO I TRACKED DOWN THE NEW OWNER TO OFFER ON THEM LMFAO) omfg. HUEH theyre all going to be the best of friends....i promise i will give them all so much love. alpacas and llamas are literally my favorite animals. THANK U THANK U THANK YOU!!!!!!!

HELLO apologies, but I'd just like to get confirmation on this so I'm not just taking all of them (save for alien) without permission ;w;)

yes i benoit the 2st give u full permission to have all these silly little alpaca guys and u r free to upload them as long as u credit the art/design back to this acc :3c

1 Replies

Ohh so silly!! $30 for 7? can up the price ^^

im very reluctant on selling the design since it was my fav out the batch but i think i could go for around 35 to 40 if thats ok? if thats a bit too much tho thats alright!! cuz honestly at the end of the day i just need any money atm XD and tysm for the offer!!

I understand! I can make it $50 but if you truly like the design keep it!! Don’t want you giving up something u want to keep ^^

OH MY GOSH I??? GTHY of course u can have it for that much what!! thank you so much again for even wanting to offer i fr thot this post was gonna flop but frgthy again thank you!! feel free to send the digital ebay gift card number thingy in dms whenever u want!! i efrgth again thank you!! it means a lot you'd be willing to pay that much!!

Awesooommme tysm!!! 8Dc these designs are super awesome I’ll try spreading the word to hopefully help out 💥

Ill def hit u up once the code gets emailed to me!