Amarys Viridi



6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Amarys: From 'Amaryllis'; Species of flower || Viridi: From ‘Anthracothorax viridis’; Scientific name for the Green Mango Hummingbird


11.5 Solar Sweeps / ~24 Years




Homosexual Homoromantic



Blood Colour:




Symbol Meaning:

Rune for protection


Hummingbird/Woodpecker hybrid

Strife Specibus:





Lives with her current employer, Damath Zannar



♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a

With a confident personality and a 'princely' vibe, Amarys considers herself to be the closest a jadeblood can get to royalty (which is, admittedly, not close at all). She works as a live-in bodyguard for highbloods, as she likes be able to protect and look after others, as well as having the opportunity to mingle with high society. While she generally presents herself as being mature, proper, and courteous, she has a mischievous side that is readily apparent once you get to know her. She loves to tease her friends and superiors if she knows she can get away with it, but once she's on duty she'll approach her tasks with the utmost seriousness.


  • Fencing
  • Her job
  • Sports / Competition
  • High society, being privy highblood gossip and politics
  • Tea ceremonies and formal afternoon tea events
  • Fashion
  • Jewellery-making, sewing, and beading

Misc. Information:

  • She began working as a bodyguard when she was seven sweeps, driven by a natural inclination towards protecting others and the desire to be a part of higher caste affairs (as well as a dislike for the idea of spending her post-conscription life in the caverns). She's typically employed by indigobloods and seadwellers.
  • Her contracts typically last between six perigees to a full sweep, so she has a good reputation despite her short list of clients. She's on good terms with most if not all of her past employers.
  • She takes great pride in her job, both in her devotion to it and her current 'perfect' record of satisfied clients.
  • Sweeps of being considered nothing more than a meat shield or expendable resource of her employers has given her a very low opinion of herself. She knows she’s basically expected to die for them and has no problem with that, and has a very casual opinion towards danger/risky activities since it’s all part of the job.
  • She has an inclination towards grim and self-depreciating humour, often joking about the dangerousness of her job.
  • She has no problem with killing threats to her current employers, but when she's off the job she won't kill without a reason. She'll try to avoid getting into fights unless they're friendly sparring matches, and has no desire to throw her life away for a complete stranger.
  • She acts very prim and proper when around highbloods, adopting the sorts of behaviours that they would expect from someone of her caste.
  • While she will always be polite and courteous to other trolls she hasn't met before, due to spending most of her time in highblood circles she can be very tactless towards lowbloods. She hasn't met many lowbloods in-person, so her image of what they are like are coloured by highblood stereotypes and hemoist propaganda.
  • Once she gets to know someone, however, she drops the formalities completely. She makes a lot of playful jabs at her friends and loves to tease, and considers trading insults to be the highest form of friendship.
  • Despite her protective instinct, she's not the type to jump into a fight to help a stranger in need. She'd rather help them afterwards by offering to walk them home or take them to a medical professional, since she knows that adding herself into the fight could potentially escalate in the wrong way.
  • However, she will approach strangers on the street and pretend to be their friend if she notices that someone sketchy is following after them. She has a good gut instinct for identifying suspicious individuals.
  • She gets distracted easily when not on the job, and is prone to zoning out during conversations and forgetting people's names almost immediately after they say them. She'll use nicknames to hide the fact she doesn't remember their actual name.
  • She's honest to a fault. While that means she's always transparent about her intentions towards others, she can also be unintentionally brutally honest about how she feels towards others without considering their feelings.  
  • She's quite well-educated, but cannot get a hint whatsoever. Compliments and flirtatious remarks fly directly over her head, and she tends to make wild assumptions about other people unless they give her a straight answer.
  • She has a passing knowledge of many subjects related to the fine arts, but only just enough to make small talk with highbloods interested in those fields. She doesn't have a particular interest in anything artsy, preferring physical activities to intellectual pursuits.
  • She does, however, enjoy jewellery-making and beading in her spare time. She doesn't make anything particularly fancy or care about the aesthetics of her work, but moreso just likes to keep her hands occupied. She also sews, but picked up this skill to assist with repairing clothing if needed.
  • She loves participating in team sports and will often join in on a game if she sees people playing in the street. Since she's very competitive, she often forgets that the matches are meant to be friendly and can get too carried away at times.
  • She'll enjoy anything that has a competitive angle to it, although her strategy at games like chess is quite lacking. She's probably the only person who genuinely enjoys Monopoly and Uno.
  • She considers herself to be a professional when it comes to fencing, and has taught others how to fence in the past. She's extraordinarily fast with a blade, but doesn't have a lot of brute force behind her blows. She relies on her agility and knowledge of the best parts of the body to stab in order to overpower foes.
  • She loves the Victorian aesthetic, and is particularly enamoured by activities associated with it such as formal afternoon teas with scones and cucumber sandwiches. Since highblood social events tend to emulate this sort of high-class style, she tries to attend as many as she's able to.
  • She also loves Japanese tea ceremonies and would love to learn how to host her own ceremony one day.
  • She takes pride in her maturity, but she's only mature when it comes to her responsibilities. She has no issues getting up to mischief with other people, she just won't start it herself.
  • She's very easily influenced by people around her, especially if they are troublemakers. She usually needs to have someone to rein her back from making stupid choices just because other people are doing it.
  • She'll abstain from alcohol and other vices when she's on the job so she doesn't impair her ability to be a good bodyguard, but she'll have a hard time saying no in casual settings.
  • She had a brief stint as a Flarper when she was younger, but has since grown out of it. She's pretty embarrassed over liking something so childish, so she won't bring it up in conversation.
  • She finds a lot of her childhood to be embarrassing since loving Disney movies and playing pretend doesn't suit the image she tries to keep up, even if she knows it's silly to dismiss loving kiddy things when she was a kid.
  • She knows about rainbowdrinkers due to all the media surrounding them, but believes that they're only fictional creatures. She's not sure how she'd feel about becoming one if she knew it to be possible, since while eternal life sounds like a cool idea, she knows that could get taken advantage of by more sadistic seadwellers seeking her services.
  • Once she started living with her clients as part of her job, her lusus moved on to take care of a new charge. They had a good relationship when they were together, though.
  • Her old hive in the forest still exists, but she only returns during the short periods of downtime between jobs.
  • When living with others she is polite enough to keep shared spaces clean and will take care of chores without complaining, but her room is a complete mess. She's a proud owner of a floordrobe, among other things.
  • She loves to cook for her employers (and friends in general), but she tends to ignore recipes in order to get experimental with her dishes. While at least half the time she can make something decent, a lot of her dishes leave a lot to be desired.
  • She mostly wears her work uniform (or what she considers to be her uniform) when out and about, but the size of her casual wardrobe is ridiculous. She has no reason to buy as much clothes as she does, but can't resist spending her money on cute outfits. She doesn't dress in anything less than 'smart casual' attire, preferring semi-formal clothing for the most part.
  • She likes to collect mementos of her previous jobs, such as buying little ornaments that remind her of her past employers or taking photos with them together that she can display in her room.