Serpica (FD)



1 year, 5 months ago


A cleric who serves Asteria, goddess of the land she inhabits. She was chosen by Asteria to carry out a divine mission... or else. More detailed lore below!

Serpica was born to an Asterian monastery, and served there her whole life. She frequently received visions and premonitions from her goddess, making her quite renowned throughout the country; people would travel miles to be read by her.

Around the age of 25, Serpica received a very direct message from Asterian in a dream: "Purge the evil that lingers within Castle Blacksun. Free the land of darkness, so that I may return and bestow my blessings upon all."

So, she went. Who was she to deny a command from her divinity? The monastery begged her not to go, noting that Serpica had no combat experience, and had barely stepped foot outside of the monastery; but, she insisted. So they compromised; she would go with a retainer. 

Cormag, a wandering tiefling mercenary, was chosen for the task. He was known as an incredibly capable protector and fighter, and the monastery trusted that he would return Serpica alive and well.

Despite their best efforts, Serpica and Cormag were incredibly unprepared for their siege on Castle Blacksun. It was overrun with demons and monsters that never ended, as if the castle itself was continuously spitting them out like a stream of water. They were overwhelmed within minutes. Cormag fell first, fighting to his last breath to defend the cleric, but he could only do so much. A demon felled him, and then turned to finish Serpica next. She braced herself for the final blow, felt impact, and then-

- She awoke again in her quarters back at the monastery. A familiar voice came to her. "Purge the evil that lingers within Castle Blacksun. Free the land of darkness, so that I may return and bestow my blessings upon all."

Serpica was caught in a time loop. Doomed to repeat the same futile task over and over again until she succeeds.