


1 year, 4 months ago



Called Coil
Gender he/they
Age 20(hy)
Birthday 2/13
Species kittydog
Race Kantarian
Occupation mechanic

Coil is a mechanic from the Kantarian region. He took up the post after his dad, repairing people's robots (whether for battling, household, or other purposes) Coil spent some time robot battling himself, using scraps from their dad's rejected projects. Since then, all of his battling robots have been retired and repurposed into sentient, helpful friends around the house.

  • rain
  • expirements
  • pudding
  • collecting bobbles
  • dust
  • scrappers
  • classical music
  • The Iron Eye

The Kanta Region

The Kanta region, the scrappier of the three regions, is what Coil calls home. They were born there back before it came quite as chaotic as it is now. Back when there was still enough resources for everyone, and robot battles were less about making money and rising to the top and more about fun and harmless competition. Nowadays it's a battle for many Kantarians, including Coil. The Kanta region has the most temperate climate of the three, but more often than not it is hot and dry. When Fall and Winter come around they get less sun and more moisture, and if they're lucky it lasts into Spring. The region itself doesn't provide much natural food, so most of it is shipped in from Glailas. Coil has only visited Glailas once or twice, but found the people there to be a bit less friendly and the weather a bit too cold.

The Mechanics

Coil started out building robots, the same as many Kantarians, using scrap pieces their dad didn't need for projects. There wasn't much money in the game at that point, so it was more for fun. When their dad got a bit too old for such rigorous mechanic work, Coil stepped in. He found ways to make it easier, including repurposing old bots to aid in some of the work. He will recycle and repurpose old pieces he finds, but would never take them from robots, or steal. That was the RumbleLanders agenda, and Coil is NOT a scrapper.

more about the mechanic business soon to be written here!

The bots!

info soon!


  • All of the robots were given sentience, since Coil didn't want to make them feel like they had to work at the shop if they didn't want to. Most of them chose to stay.
  • Scrappers are a prominent problem in their area, so any of the smaller robots usually get strapped into Coil's little belt carrier when they travel.
  • He will collect any shiny things he sees, especially anything that could be repurposed into something else.
  • They don't really know the math of the machinery they work with, they've just become accustomed to many of the tasks, most of his work is trial and error based. He loves to expirement!
Height 5'2 ft quadripedal, 8ft bipedal
Hex codes content
tbd content
tbd content
Eyes one hourglass, one normal
tbd content

Design notes

  • drawing in anthro form is okay, as is changing up the outfit :)
  • please no nsfw or ship art of this character!
  • two sets of ears, one cat like and the other a floppy bunny/dog

html by Euna