


1 year, 4 months ago


  • Matthias
  • N/A
  • 38
  • 7ft
  • Average Aura
  • Male
  • Bisexual
  • Gryphon
  • Unaffiliated/Architectism
  • Courier, volunteer disaster response


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Driven | Industrious | Perceptive
Irritable | Impatient | Restless

Matthias prefers to always be on the move, and when there's an obvious (to him, anyways) solution to a problem, he gets annoyed when no one acts on it right away. He gets work done fast and well, but can't stand to stay in one place settled for long.

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Magic Type || Self-Warming

Matthias can keep himself warm in bitter cold, and fly in lower temperatures than most without his wings freezing over. He can also use this ability to prevent frostbite of victims of avalanches or being stranded via creating a pocket of warmer air between his wings.


Native Location || Kilaan City

Residence Location || Howland

Born in Kilaan, Matthias took up residence in Howland after he became a courier. He's rarely home for long periods, often flying goods back and forth between the two towns. He's also a volunteer member of the Vilm in case of attack, but he's never had to fight. He has mainly only responded to emergencies like avalanches or collapses. Flying keeps him in good shape just in case.


Born to a family with the ability to warm themselves with fires within, Matthias was taught the standard -- reading, writing, and how to fly and use his innate magic. He was also taught, as was family tradition, basic first aid and search-and-rescue skills. As a child he never paid much attention to faith, instead being enamoured with magic, science, and the wide world around him, but he became more curious about the disappeared cardinals as he grew older. To make the most of his ability and to sate his wanderlust, he became a courier, bringing goods through the mountains and to the main continent, paying special attention to trips to research outposts. If he could sit still long enough, he'd have applied to the college in Kilaan city, but he thought there was no place there for him, and someone needs to keep the flow of commerce going. Nowadays he contents himself with exchanging notes from researchers and academics, and the occasional playing guide for a group of adventurers in the mountains.

cfc7a42c6ba66d93c3f9b93728b3a6c4.jpgMatthias' Family - Relationship
A group of bakers and emergency search-and-rescuers in Kilaan city

cfc7a42c6ba66d93c3f9b93728b3a6c4.jpgPen Pal - Relationship
they met when Matthias was doing a delivery to a research outpost, and now exchange letters about interesting discoveries and hypotheses.