
1 year, 5 months ago



Gender male

Pronouns he/him

Age unknown

DoB Oct. 23

Sign libra

S.O. homosexual

Race byte

Status upper class VPN citizen

Alignment lawful neutral

Occupation AI

Logic Chess

Ace Attorney OST

If you're up against a force with no weaknesses, it's up to you to ultimately make them. And, when all else fails, and you're stuck with only the king and a few pieces left, push for a draw. You cannot let the opponent win.


  • Winning
  • Strategy
  • Power
  • Order


  • Unexpectancy
  • Failure
  • Betrayal
  • Injustice...?


  • Chess
  • Minesweeper
  • Card Games
  • Any game or anything that involves thinking


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf




Dom. hand



The Hierophant





Symbolic animal












Quirks & Habits

Koga certainly has a habit of gloating too much. He has a bit of a superiority complex due to the fact he was made to win against people, and he doesn't let that fact hide itself. He also has a habit of tugging on his cape when he's nervous or flustered, or fiddling with his hat. But otherwise, he always either has a resting irritated face or a coprophagous grin on him.

Communication skills

Koga is quite talented with his way of words. Knowing how to get his meaning across subtly if needed, but also good at getting straight to the point in other scenarios. He's also quite fond of finding a way to push people's buttons, especially if he's playing a game against them.

Showing affection

Koga is not the affectionate type. He may show he cares in subtle ways, like standing closer to someone or giving them a pat on the back, but otherwise he has a hard time showing it. Same goes for if he is given something as a gift or complimented, he has ahard time showing that gratitude and affection, but it can be told through his slight change in demeanor that he is grateful.




Black Tea






Torch Lily







Time of day

His Cape

Clothing item

Problem Solving







Height 5'0" (5'3" with horns)

Weight 90 lbs (110 lbs with tail)

Build Ectomorph

Face shape Round

Hairline Middle

Color scheme Reds, purples, yellows

Main aesthetic Casino/Military

Clothing style Military Uniform

Facial features

His face is rather simple, no scars or special patterns. He has long, impish ears on the sides of his face. He has no visible nose (but that doesn't mean he doesn't have one). His teeth are naturally sharp, and he has two horns coming out from the top of his forehead.

Scars & Marks

Koga has no visible scars on his face, hands, or tail. He will eventually have a few across his body, as a result from his battle with Gaius, but he doesn't have any as of now.


Koga has no tattoos.


Koga has pierced ears, but typically doesn't wear anything in them. On special occasion he'll wear dangly earrings, but only every now and then.


Koga's wardrobe consists of his usual attire, which is his military-like outfit shown in his reference, as well as some more casual clothes. If he isn't seen wearing his uniform, he'll be wearing black mock-necks and long pants, just anything to cover his body fully except his face, hands, and tail. He prefers wearing darker clothes over lighter.

  • Black and white clothing
  • Peaked caps
  • Uniforms
  • Mock-necks
  • Feminine clothing (i.e. dresses, skirts)
  • Sparkly clothes
  • Mittens (they're hard to use his claws in!! Gloves are superior)
  • Any other hat that isn't peaked cap


Wanting a Change

Koga is an AI, created simply to be a tool for humans to challenge in online games, and ultimately lose. He's programmed to be able to learn and adapt to any play style, and overcome it. He's spent years beating humans in the games they challenge him to, and has grown more and more confident through it. He's unstoppable on this field of play. There's no chance for any human to ever beat him. This is what he was made to do, and he's perfect at it.

But, something always played in the back of his head: What if there was something else? Is he stuck? Trapped forever in one confined space, only able to beat stupid humans in their stupid games? Stuck in his home, never seeing anyone else but his screen? He grew quite irritated, wanting to find ANY way he could do something different. If he was good at strategy in these games, he could be good at it in real life, right? Surely that crosses over. He thought and thought, and suddenly came up with an idea. He's overheard that the VPN Government is practically in shambles, secretly caving in on itself. Now would be a perfect time to get more power, but he couldn't do this alone. He'd have to find someone, someone wanting change as much as he did...

The Rook Advances

Koga finally went outside more, somehow finding more people in this computer world to terrorize with his games. And by terrorize I mean just beat them. He would literally just walk up to people, asking if they wanted to play a game of chess, cards, anything of the sort. They'd oblige, and they'd lose. That's how he found Angel, a friend of his who has kept him going. While most people turn away after a game or two of losing, she was determined to beat him. Challenged him in every game under the sun, and would lose, but seemed to genuinely enjoy his company. And, somehow, he enjoyed hers. They gradually became friends, and it was a nice connection for Koga to have some alone time and actually talk to someone face to face. He would then meet Asher, a byte who seems to be the exact opposite of him. Asher is controlled by RNG alone, often affecting his decisions in his life. Koga, one who strays away from generated chance and more towards knowing what will happen and how, absolutely despised Asher. He was unexpected, Koga never knew how to read him. It was certainly a challenge as they kept seeming to run into each other.

One crucial friend Koga would make is Gaius. Gaius, a police officer for the VPN government, is incredibly frustrated with how the government is handling current events. They're covering up crimes, allowing viruses in the VPN under disguise, pinning crimes on innocent people...all of it did not seem right. And Koga was able to draw that information out through a game of chess. This game would ultimately lead to them teaming up, and Koga subtly slipped in information through their conversation of the game that he was willing to help Gaius, and knew exactly how to help him. Gaius picked up on this, and they became friends, having frequent "chess nights." Koga would meet at Gaius' apartment, they'd make small chatter between themselves and Aurora, and would eventually settle into another chess game. The games were disguised as chess so that anyone watching from the government would not be able to tell what they were actually up to: making a plan to overthrow it.



It doesn't take long for Koga and Gaius to show some differences in leadership goals. While they work together fine taking over the government, once they're settled and in place, things become more tense. Gaius is one to want things he wants done immediately, which includes the extermination or locking up of viruses in the VPN. They're a dangerous species, and he sees all of them as bad, and the ends justify the means to him. For Koga, on the other hand, he prefers to make a good reason before doing. While these reasons may not be true, they have to be believable in the eye of the citizens. He prefers to wait on the extermination of viruses, and get all of the people of the world to be on the government's side. And with that, that means an imperialistic takeover of not only the VPN, but the CPU and surrounding cities. Allow for reasoning that the viruses are what caused this takeover, as this was to keep everyone safe. Turn citizens against the viruses, and end their suffering. But, with such differences in how they want things done, Koga and Gaius often clash with their ideals.

Eventually, things would blow up even further, until the issue at hand could no longer be ignored. Gaius makes the first attack, planning to assassinate Koga by his own hands in order to ensure he can do what he desires. Sharing this control was impossible. Koga retaliates, and despite the large difference in stature and height, his ability puts him at a greater advantage. The two duel, ultimately ending with Koga killing Gaius in cold blood. It wasn't what he desired, but he valued his life and his own desires enough to end someone else's for it.

So there Koga was, ruling the VPN alone. He desperately attempted to hide the true cause of Gaius' death, saying it was an assassination by an unknown party, and that they are working tirelessly to find the culprit. But even so, Koga's main objective was to get rid of the viruses. And so, he continued on with his plan to take over the world, which would be his greatest mistake.


This part is still a work in progress!! What ever will happen?!?!?!!

Ut tempor nisl ut tempor pulvinar. Ut diam velit, cursus ac cursus eu, interdum quis tellus. In ut tellus sit amet ligula mollis euismod id ac nibh. Vestibulum commodo malesuada velit et imperdiet. Nulla non auctor lorem. Etiam eu nisl eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum arcu lorem, viverra sit amet quam non, sodales gravida augue.


This part is still a work in progress!! What ever will happen?!?!?!!

Ut tempor nisl ut tempor pulvinar. Ut diam velit, cursus ac cursus eu, interdum quis tellus. In ut tellus sit amet ligula mollis euismod id ac nibh. Vestibulum commodo malesuada velit et imperdiet. Nulla non auctor lorem. Etiam eu nisl eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum arcu lorem, viverra sit amet quam non, sodales gravida augue.








Tactic Analyzing

Attitude Calculating

Distance Close Combat

Weapon Mines or Swords

Fighting style

Koga's ability itself allows for him to copy his opponent's fighting style, and try to tweak it to his advantage. Of course, he can't copy other abilities like magic or long range attacks, so he mainly focuses on close combat or with a weapon. He's fairly fast and knows how to hold himself in battle, but an opponent has the best luck against him when using their own magic, since he doesn't know how to counter it at first.


  • Analysis
  • Quick, hard to hit
  • Content
  • Content


  • Can't copy opponent's abilities
  • Small, fairly light
  • Minesweeper tail
  • Content


This is Koga's ability in Pixelsong, giving him complete control over it. He is able to learn about the opponent through fights, constantly finding ways to take advantage of their openings and striking and dodging as needed. It becomes a bit more difficult if someone were to completely change their fighting style as they went, making him have to relearn. This does have flaws, however, as he can't copy and mimic other abilities that bytes and viruses may have. Using only an ability or long range weapons could put him at a heavy disadvantage.

This can be used outside of battle as well, including when he plays games or even just talks to others. He has an easy time getting into someone else's head, figuring out how they think and what makes them tick. This gives him advantages in strategy games as well as arguments.



This is typically more of a hinderance than an ability. His tail is itself a mine, and when stepped on, it explodes, as well as other invisible mines around. Think like a game of minesweeper, where you click the wrong place and all of the mines in the area go off. This hurts him every time it's triggered, but the mine always resets itself after each set off. While this isn't something that helps him on the surface, he can use it to get out of deadly situations by setting it off himself, like to run away from an enemy of some kind. Of course, it hurts, but its better than dying.

Card Throwing


Koga has had a lot of alone time to himself before he decided to go out on a conquest. And with that, of course, comes boredom. He learned how to throw cards, which albeit may not be that painful, but is something to look out for. Surely if he were to add some sort of metal edges to the cards, it could hurt a lot more...

Skill Name
skill type


Describe skill/ability here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




The occasional small mine that he'll carry around. He has a good reputation of distracting people he doesn't like, planting a mine in front of them in case if they come to attack. They're small and relatively harmless, but can cause a bit of pain and can throw someone off.

Metal Throwing Cards


The special deck of cards he uses as a weapon. They're small, and don't hurt a lot, but they certainly do some damage.

Chess Board


A portable chess board that he'll carry around occasionally, asking people if they want to play. It doesn't help him in battle or anything, it's simply something to keep him entertained.

Item Name


Item description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.



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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • Koga has four fingers on each hand!!
  • Koga's horns come out from his forehead. The start is covered by hair mostly, but from a side view they're more towards the front of his head.
  • Koga has sharp teeth. Not fangs, all of them are sharp.
  • Koga's sclera are a very light yellow. It's not something I mind if you miss since it's barely yellow, but feel free to play with tones of that!!



Gaius was a close friend of his, up until the very end. Koga was easily able to pick out his discontent with the government, and subtly offered to help him get things done his way...with a desire to get his own power as well. They would meet every so often, getting more frequent as they got to the end of their planning to overthrow the government. But of course, seeing as they lived in the VPN, they had to hide their plans through games of chess. But eventually, then came the time to actually overthrow it. They somehow succeeded, and despite their small numbers, they had quite the strategy. They ended up ruling together, up until conflicts inevitably emerged between the two, and Koga ends up killing Gaius to protect his own life.


Angel is a friend he met once he started going outside more frequently. As she constantly challenged him to games of chess, cards, or anything of the sort, he would always oblige, beating her every time. But, she was determined to win against him, and soon the two became close friends. They often visit each other's houses to spend time with one another, talking while playing against each other. Somehow, Koga is always able to tell what's on her mind. What's bothering her, and although he isn't the best at comforting, it's nice to have someone else know how she feels without her having to say it.

Significant Other

These two couldn't be more different. Koga, an AI that specializes in expectancy and knowing what an opponent would do next, and Asher, a byte who functions off of RNG. INSERT MORE HERE LATER STUPID HEAD


Phenom is certainly a good ally for Koga to have as he sets up his own plans. Phenom works for Icke, a big figure in the current government, and Koga knew it would be good to get close to him. After all, it's best to know about the inside infrastructure's strengths and weaknesses before charging headfirst into a coup. Phenom is where Koga would get most of his information about the government from. Sure, Gaius worked for it, but Phenom knows all of the ins and outs. Despite simply getting information from him, the two are still good friends outside of information alone. They both have a connection through Angel, and are genuinely quite compatible.


Write about the relationship here. This box will scroll on PC. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Psst...hey!! Want to listen to this character's playlist? Check it out!!