


1 year, 5 months ago


Height: 6’3”

Age: late 40s

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: heterosexual

Ability: healing, control of wind

Race: original goddess

Family: Dawn (daughter), Present (ex-partner), Arondal (brother figure), Ann (adoptive daughter)

Delilah is the original Goddess of Life. She was made for this position by the Divines themselves. For what was centuries, Delilah mainly remained obedient to her leaders and had no fear as she was one of the toughest people within the system of Gods. I wouldn’t say she was feared, but Delilah was one of the most respected Gods out of nearly everyone.

Though, her tough demeanor would crash down as soon as her eyes would land upon Present. A man who was the personification of time. One who she thought was very handsome with his stardust colored eyes and blonde hair. Never did she think Present would ever single her out within a crowd of other potential partners - but he did. They somehow got wrapped up within each other for quite a while, until things started to get serious between them.

Present wasn’t all for a serious relationship while Delilah was. And when he left, that’s when she realized she was pregnant with Dawn. Considering how hesitant Present was with everything, Delilah didn’t tell him. She had Dawn on her own. Being a single mother to her, even though Dawn was very sick from the beginning.

It affected her work and mental/physical health for many years, until a new man entered her life. Arondal had just become a new God after the old one had passed. He was rather looked down upon for his brother being a Sin. Delilah noticed often how lonesome he was during work hours and how much he was struggling with no one bothering to help. She stepped up and they became really good friends to where they could call each other family.

Present would eventually come to learn about Dawn when shes a toddler. He was so upset that instead of coming in person to check up on them, he sent his demigod son, Dusk, in his place. A half demon, at that. They weren’t allowed in the Heavens at that time, so it was quite a shock to Delilah.

She had to keep Dusk a secret every time he’d come over as a messenger for Present.

During these years, she finds Ann as her adoptive daughter. She was the daughter of her goddess apprentice who had suddenly passed away. Delilah felt it was right to take Ann in as she didn’t want her friend’s child all alone.

She watched both of her children grow up into amazing people.