


1 year, 5 months ago


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Sasha - He/Him - 5'8 -23 Years Old 
Professional Niche Internet MicroCelebrity 
Sasha is Spencer's NEET roommate. They met through their boarding school, where Sasha was the one to introduce Spencer to things such as anime, video games, and music besides uncensored pop music. Eventually the two grew very close, as neither really had other friends. They moved in together right after high school and even went to the same college. Sasha dropped out early though. He does have a girlfriend who he loves more than anyone, but due to his shut in NEET behavior he doesn't see her as often as he would like. 
When Sasha was still enrolled at his former boarding school, he would leave during the nights to just explore the city it was located in. He quickly became acquainted with things he never would have been allowed to have access to before. Most notably, he discovered music. His favorite band of all time is Radiohead and he lowkey bases his personality off their music. He is a strong elitist when it comes to music too, and even runs a very popular, yet niche music meme account. He does reviews too but they are not as popular as his main content. He also browses reddit a lot, his favorite subreddit is r/radioheadcirclejerk 
Sasha is a complete doomer, and spends a lot of his time in bed just wallowing. Doesn't really touch grass or see the sun either. He met his girlfriend after posting about these feelings and how he just wanted a girlfriend, she was a commenter in his chat.... She listens to Deftones, he listens to Radiohead.

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