kurumi πŸ’



6 years, 3 months ago


Name:Β Kurumi Manami (nee, Fumihiro)

Gender:Β Female
Age: 15
Alias:Β Octa, the cephalopod hero
Birthday:Β April 1st, ('my birth's a joke')
Education:Β Yuuei
Class:Β 1-A

Power: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† (B)

Speed: β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† (D)

Technique: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β (A)

Intelligence: β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† (C)

Cooperativeness:Β β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† (B)


Type:Β Mutant

Range: Close

Quirk Abilities:

  • The user has a number of tentacles (ranging from around 5 minimum, to 12 max) which can be regenerated and grow back better then the last. These tentacles have suction cups on them allowing the user to hold a multitude of items at once.



  • Tentacles take around a week to grow back to their previous length, during this the quirk's abilities are significantly weaker since the main focus is to regrow the tentacle.Β 
  • With an enhanced nervous system even though there may be a payback in increased hearing and reflexes, the user feels more pain and has a larger chance of dying then someone without the enhanced nervous system.
  • The user must be hydrated constantly, even the slightest bit of dehydration causes the user's ink to lose it's property of being sticky or slick and instead has properties closer to a puddle of water.Β 

Kurumi is extremely sensitive both emotionally and physically, her enhanced nervous system allows her to feel four times the amount of pain that a normal person would but in return her hearing and reflexes are above normal as well. Kurumi isn't clumsy, on the contrary she is quite aware of her surroundings due to her good hearing. She's been shown to been afraid to stand up for her friends and usually sits out of arguments as to not drive the situation anymore then it's going. She is very innocent and doesn't understand any vulgar or naughty jokes for the most part.

History:Β Kurumi's early life started off different from other children. Being the first born to a young couple Nao and Hinata Fumihiro, Kurumi was a bit differen't from both her parents. See, Kurumi's parents both had simple quirks, sand manipulation and x-ray vision. So when their daughter turned out to have a quirk so unrelated to either of them, things went down hill. Kurumi was the child of another man, Kamin Kage, a local gang leader that was known for causing trouble. Kamin and Hinata had been in a relationship for quite a while until it was revealed that Kamin cheated on Hinata with multiple woman. Since Hinata had fallen pregnant with his child and it was unknown to her not paying attention or treating his child well was her own way of coping with all that happened. Nao didn't ever hit or scream at Kurumi unlike his wife, he just ignore her and tried to make as little contact as possible. After a while Kurumi was greeted with two half siblings, Seiichi and Reiko. With Seiichi and Reiko never being able to interact with their older half sister then became cautious of her but never scared. They watched her like she was a wild animal, fascinated by her existence. Eventually, Hinata got out of hand and got into a fight with her husband over what to do with Kurumi, one thing lead to another and Hinata drove to a busy high way abandoning Kurumi on the side of the road.

It was clear even to a young Kurumi that she was no longer wanted as her mother left her in only her night dress on a cold winter day. Now cold, alone, and without protection Kurumi made her way to a close yet busy city. Many civilians ignored her despite her cries for help until an old couple took pity and took Kurumi back to their home. There they asked Kurumi questions, answering everything she remembered and in return Kurumi asked them a few questions about themselves. The old couple took quite a liking to Kurumi and took her in until their own daughter, Asuka Manami and her husband Takashi Manami could adopt the young girl. An investigation was filed but Kurumi's parents where never located, things began to look up for Kurumi. The old couples daughter was infertile so a child was a wish come true for her and her husband. They treated Kurumi well and once she was officially adopted her last name was changed from Fumihiro to Manami, a change she would never regret even as a child. It didn't matter that Asuka and Takashi weren't her real parents they gave Kurumi something better then just a family. Love.

Yet with all her adoptive parents support Kurumi still had this idea that she wasn't worth love. After all if her birth mother couldn't love her who would? With this mentality she stayed away from most people in middle school and elementary becoming an outcast to say the least. Being accepted into Yuuei was a game changer, Kurumi began to open up and accept the fact that she wasn't as unloved as she first thought she was. Toru Hagakure, her first real friend that didn't care that Kurumi would cry with the slightest raise of a voice or hint of disappointment. Toru truly cared for Kurumi, and for that, she owes her first true friend more then she could ever believe. But as of recent Hinata and Nao have tried to weasel their way into Kurumi's life and possibly try to reclaim her as Hinata's child since theirs a high possibility that Kurumi will become a pro-hero. She doesn't know whether to be scared or angry, after all they can't do that to her they don't deserve it after what they did to her. Kurumi though, is trying her best not to think about it and not allow them back in her life. Even though it's destroyed her it's made her a stronger person at the same time, blood means nothing when it comes to love after all.
Relations:Β Wip for now, I got a lot to write for them. Haha, kill me :)

HeroΒ Equipment:

  • Fabric:
  • Shoes:Β 
  • Petticoat: Used as a large cooling and storing location for extra ink, this ink can be released on will to make the area around the user slippery or sticky depending on the viscosity of the ink.Β 


  • Despite octopi being extremely intelligent, Kurumi lacks in that field and finds it hard to concentrate and study making her one of the lower ranking students when it comes to intelligence in 1-A.
  • Her back up plan if she didn't become a hero was to be a teacher.Β 
  • Can probably crack every joint you want her to.
  • Until her first year at Yuuei, Kurumi had braces.
  • Kurumi has gills on both sides of her torso but doesn't reveal them until later on.Β 
  • She enjoys fried bananas and peach melba yet has a strong dislike for macaroons.
  • Β 
Kurumi's known U.A data is as follows:Β 
- Student No. 19 in Class 1-A.
- Ranked 15th for the Quirk Apprehension Test.
- Ranked 17th in Class 1-A's grades tying with Sero Hanta, much to her dismay.
- Ranked in the Top 42 of the U.A. Sports Festival First-Year Stage.
- Kurumi did not pass the final exam due to Midnights quirk having a great effect on her due to her gills, rendering her useless for the second half of the fight, their team only passed because of Mineta.
