Open Adopt Dump's Comments

Sorry for the late reply xwx been a lil sick 

But yeah if youre still interested, pls send to and I'll transfer ;v; 


got it tysm ;;v;; sorry again for the late reply oh god xD Im looking for the file now, and ill send the character transfer in a bit ! ;v;

No worries 😌

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green catto ! xD <33 but ofc ! Pls send to and Ill yeet transfer ovo

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got it tysm ! ;v;  sending transfer in a sec !

Super super late to this but I'm also very tent on this one if they're up for offers or still available ^^;

hey xD ! <33 Yeah theyre still up for the $35 ;v; <3
If interested, pls send to and Ill transfer shortly after ! Cx 

Aw darn, I was hoping I could do an art+money offer but I’ll send it over shortly :0

I messaged you just in case but I forgot to reply here ^^;

what’s your paypal? The link you sent just takes me to the comments on here ^^;

Hey ! nono youre fine ! sorry i just finally got a chance to sit down xD
Does this link work ? ovo

As for the other reply, sorry for misunderstanding xD I totally misread it
But I prob wouldve replied with that Im only interested in muns atm ;v; <33 

sent! <3

Following up because I sent payment but also needed to know if you got it because I've been having issues with my PayPal and I wanted to make sure ^^;

I got it tysm !;v; I'll send the transfer shortly , out grocery shopping rn <33 

what would you preferably be taking for this one?

$40 Cx 

I unfortunately dont know what Cx is

Oh it's just a face ! Kinda like xD but smiling ? Cx 

OH, okay. thanks for clarifying

Sure ! Cx pls send to and I'll send the transfer !

Thank you so much, I just sent it! :D

i got it tysm ! ;w; Sorry for the late reply !
Sending transfer in a sec ;w;b

Oh it's okay, no worries! <3 Thank you for sending the bab', I love them! >v<

for sure ! npnp ty as well ! ;w; <33 I hope they come to good use ! Cx 

1 Replies

can I get this one for 45$? 62265087_3JdeNrXGh.png

Sure! Pls send to and I'll send the transfer ! 

Payment sent! :)

oh! so quick tysm xD <33 Sending transfer in a sec owob 


Thank you for the new character! :D

np tysm as well ! xd <33

1 Replies

I was hoping for at least 40$! 

I can do that

Awesome ok ! Please send to and I'll send the transfer ! 


got it tysm ! ;w;/ Sending transfer shortly !

Would you consider art like this for this design by chance?

Ahh !! Lovely art but my priority is funds atm sorry !;u; ty for the offer though ! 

Alright, thank you for getting back to me! Hope they find a lovely home. ^ ^

Tysm !

hii TT apologies would it be possible to offer $30 for TTT and would it be possible to be able to pay on Friday TTT

Hey ! I can do $40? I cant do holds atm and will have to take any offer/better offer that comes first sorry ! ;w;/

Hello! Im in love with the orange dragon with the branch-like horns but I am not seeing a price, could I possible know the price for him? :)
 (Also sorry, I couldn't find a way to comment on the comment tab of the design ^^")

No worries ! I couldnt really think of a price so feel free to offer w.e owob 

Ah okay! ^^
I could offer $55? I hope that isn't undercutting the worth >_<"

no worries , it is pretty sketchy xD
Sounds good to me though ! owob Pls send to and Ill yeet the transfer ! 

Okay! :) Thank you so much!
I have sent the money! ^^

got it tysm ! ;w;/ Sending transfer now !

2 Replies

Hey I just came from your DA Post and I know it said to subtract 20$ from all the ones on here but I was wondering if you could possibly accept 50$ for I would also like to ask if you could hold onto this one till Friday possibly? if not totally acceptable and thank you for your time >w< this would be the most iv ever spent on an adopt to be quite honest with you but she's just so cute-

Hey ! Yeah that's fine I can do that Cx 

I'll leave the link here, no rush tho ! Just lemme know when it's been sent so I can transfer owob 

Aw I appreciate it ty ;u; I hope your purchase will be worth it to you TuT <33 

Hey, just a quick thing before I send the payment (I got it earlier than anticipated yay!) would you happen to do a bit of recoloring? like say if I paid a little more could I have you color shift her a little, maybe make her hair a reddish color and the blue tips and eyes a golden color? if not it's perfectly fine cause shes is cute either way but if you do that sort of thing would you let me know how much you'd like to do it for?

Hey ! Yeah i can do that Cx <333 How about covering the paypal fee for me owob It should be 2-3$, no more than $5 Im pretty sure x'D <33  Does that sounds fair ;w; 

I love you so much rn yeah sounds good to me xD I sent a little more than that just to make sure it covered de fees :D

hehe omg xD <33
It did cover it tysm +W+ <33 Ill send you a note with the edits asap! 


Would you be able to hold onto them until this Friday when I get paid? If not, that's okay!

Sure thats fine ! Cx Ill leave the link here, no rush ! Im just not always around to answer asap so haha xD
But lemme know when its been sent so I can transfer ! owob <33 ! 

Hello!! I'm sending the payment over now ♡

Hey ! ;U; I got the payment tysm !! I'll send the transfer as soon as I get home ;u;b 

would i be able to nab this one? ;w;

For sure ! Pls send to and I'll transfer it right over owob 


I got it tysm ! ;; And ty for the extra/fee cover ! ;;w;;; <333
Ill transfer em over asap !

Would you consider trades for this babe?

Not atm but Ill let you know if that changes? owob 

Sounds good to me! <3

Oh hey xD
For sure ! owob Pls send to and ill send you the file over note Cx Or I'll make a new character and transfer, whichever you prefer owob

Literally last TH check before going to sleep and that one's such a banger 😭
Payment has been sent! Feel free to make and transfer over? Whichever is more convenient for you! Both are completely fine

omgosh aaa ;;w;; <33 tysm
Got the payment too ! tysm for the extra/fee cover too TwT <33

Gotcha oke ! owob I usually make and transfer since some people prefer the profile being made by the adopt maker for security reasons etc x'D But some people dont even use TH so KASJFG
But yeah ill have it made n transferred over in a jiffy ty! ;w;/

Of course!!
I was also wondering if it was possible to commission you for a human(oid) design of it as well, in general? Because I would definitely be interested in that too qvq

Ah yes, makes sense! I sometimes forget to adjust the transfer rights info as well, so... ;;v;; Understandable.
Thank you so much!!

For sure ! Sorry to give you a stroke in price difference ahahaa ;;/v//;;;;; Feel free to drop me a note if interested tho ty ! ;v;b
Omg naw I do the same thing aha x'D
For sure ! Cx 

2 Replies