Thorn Zuang



1 year, 5 months ago


D&D: Horde of the Dragon Queen | Neutral Good | Monk | Way of the Ascendant Dragon | He/Him | Panromatic Demisexual | Capricorn | ISTJ | 6'1"

Little Koi Fish
Since a young age, Thorn has been fascinated by the stories of dragons. He preferred them over the stories of heroes slaying them, much to the chagrin of his warrior father. As he grew, he felt something was...strange. The first Bahumat temple in his home of T'u Lung he was drawn to. The drakes they would rescue would respond well to him. Then...a dream. A vision of a platinum dragon staring down at him...

Hoard of the Dragon Queen
Thorn came to Faerun looking for answers. Answers to his origin in the homeland of his god. Little did he know he'd be stumbling into the rise of a cult worshiping his God's evil sister. Now driven to stop them, he travels with a jumbled crew of heroes and deserters. In the land of fabled heroes, what will become of the boy who loves dragons...?

Personality Traits
I honor my deities through practices that are foreign to this land.
I begin or end my day with small traditional rituals that are unfamiliar to those around me.
Open. I have much to learn from the kindly folk I meet along my way. (Good)
My freedom is my most precious possession. I’ll never let anyone take it from me again.
I pretend not to understand the local language in order to avoid interactions I would rather not have.

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