Krona L R Giygas



1 year, 5 months ago


My Sparkle Care Hospital OC patient. pronouns be she/her
All, if not most of her lore is in her character sheet. (except the year in her DOB, messed that up, year should be 5989)
Voice claim: Giroro from Sgt Frog Abridged

Krona admitted herself to the Sparklecare Hospital after getting such an intense throat pain that scratched her up, making her voice low, gravely and making her cough up blood every now and then There were other reasons but she'd rather not get into that. After the initial procedure, her voice got more gravely and now just keeps to herself in the hospital most of the time. Rarely interacts with most patients, 9/10 being told by staff to interact directly with them. One of her hobbies was military role playing with her close friend, "Lance Corporal", but after a session they grew distant. She was "Corporal" in those roleplays.

Fun Facts:

  • Desperate for any sexual relations, even had a swing with Carol once. Reunites with an old friend in the hospital and hits it off there.
  • Mostly disobedient to the staff workers but listens mainly to Rem E Dies and other feminine workers.
  • Takes the blame for a lot of bad things in the hospital so other patients aren't hurt, leads to more scraps and bruises in her than most.

Krona's other admission reason

Krona's laryngitis wasn't the only reason she admitted herself to the hospital. One night after a LARP session with "Lance Corporal" aka Sherm, they got attacked by a mugger, who lightly slashed LC, but Krona chased after them. The mugger did drop their bag but Krona kept fighting them. A one sided fight where even despite being stabbed in the arm, Krona didn't stop. She started to walk away, letting the mugger lie on the ground in pain and ruminate on what they did to her and LC. But then they stood up and said something that instantly shook Krona to her core, making her deliver a swift punch to their nose, killing them. As the blood leaked out from the mugger, Krona ran over and tried to shake them awake, while Sherm stands and watched, mortified by Krona's actions. Worst part is that Sherm's glasses were knocked off, letting them use their psychic abilities to peer into Krona's mind. She sees LC's scorn and starts sobbing before running as fast as she could, locking herself inside her apartment. The next few days she barely ate or left her home, ignoring any and all calls from family and friends, until she saw an ad for "Sparklecare Hospital", thinking it could make her feel better in the head, but it only made things worse.