


6 years, 6 months ago


Age: Definite years are unknown but Nebula was around when the Earth was created.

Species: Êtrequédexie 

Gender: Has no gender and they lack the understanding of gender to give themselves a label, but the best label would be agender.

Pronouns: They/Them, Though will respond to all pronouns.

Sexuality: Greyromantic Asexual

Background: Born a long long time ago, they call the Gemini constellation home. Nebula watched the Earth and grew more and more interested in the human race and eventually decided to join them. It should be noted that Nebula's species is nearly extinct in the Milky Way Galaxy. And before arriving to Earth Nebula was convinced they were the last of their kind. This is proven quickly after they befriend another of the species named "Glitch." Anything outside of the Milky Way is unknown though.

Personality: Nebula is very naive and optimistic, choosing to wholeheartedly put their trust into another person mere seconds after meeting them. Nebula also carries a natural curiosity for all things human, wanting to know how to speak their languages, learn about the cultures, everything. Nebula, however, is not a weakling. Their species is known for an inhumanly amount of strength and can put up a good fight.