


1 year, 5 months ago


> "this lad just... fuckin' sucks" -NPC jeny about aescwynn
  • woke up buried alive and clawed himself out of the dirt, only to find out he was not in fact buried "alive" and was never actually alive to begin with. now he finds himself in barovia with little to no memories and a strange group to travel with. he feels very uneasy about, well, existing really, but he knows that he will survive longer and learn more of what he's lost if he stays in their numbers
  • surprise! he actually seems to be two people in one- the consciousness of a man named nyles lochlyn in the body of aescwynn farr, one dead in a time even before countess strahd's reign over the valley, and the other dead only recently, "creating a new consciousness but with aescwynns muscle memory", as described by another party member. he is still doing his best to unfold more of his own mystery, and learn more info about both parties.
  • his arms are pretty cold to the touch and do not have a pulse. the rest of his body isnt the warmest either. doesnt really feel too warm or too chilly unless the temps on the higher sides. as a half dead person a lot of his functions are either cold, slow, or not really existant, such as his faint and slow heartbeat, slow breathing, and lack of persperation.
  • always smells ever so faintly of petrichor or dirt.
  • very acrobatic, surprisingly. hes also pretty stealthy, sneaky, and good with his hands- all of which are very good traits to have when you are instinctively a bit sticky-fingered like him.
  • deeply uncomfortable when the topic drifts to his helmet since he quite literally never takes it off, going as far as to starve instead of removing it sometimes. he clams up or lies about it.
  • a knee-jerk-reaction liar, and yet hes not very good at it (-1 cha) ... so instead he prefers to stay silent or change the topic.
  • has an irish accent. voice claim for now: the mandalorian, but a lot more soft-spoken and quiet. he rarely raises his voice unless he's really, genuinely frusturated or upset

Name aescwynn farr
Age mid/late-30s + ???
Pronouns he/him
Class wizard
Race human (reborn)
height 5'7 
Alignment neutral good







  • quiet
  • sweet(i think)
  • hardworking
  • flexible
  • figs and sweets
  • magic
  • liquor (mead)
  • reading and learning new things
  • overly serious & antisocial
  • cowardly
  • kind of depressing & morbid
  • somewhat of a klepto
  • the color red
  • surprises
  • being alone
  • large bodies of water
Relationships (the party!)

a very talented young lass he met in the forest, and the first soul he met after waking up. he wants to prioritize her safety above all so that she may return to those that care for her. he is fairly displeased by the foul attitude and sharp words she directs towards him, but does his best to accommodate and be kind to her especially due to her circumstances.

his rating has definitely boosted- skyrocketted even- from his initial fear of the man for his stature and monstrous curse. still not fond of his high class background and resulting… preferences and attitude… but he is a good person and truly can be kind when he wants to be and he deeply appreciates it and his ability to take the lead.

after learning that he is (probably) not a threat and not as discomforting to be around, he appreciates his thoughtfulness. however, he's still not psyched being studied or "added to his 'monster book'", but he doesnt mean any genuine harm or offense (usually the opposite really), just that he cant help his curious nature, so he allows it and even returns that curiosity

even if she has made a handful of comments about his situation that he is still bitter about, she is charming and makes avalar much less intimidating when in his vacinity. he is incredibly curious about her since he knows so little about her, and a bit jealous of her strength with magic and how it seemingly "randomly appeared" for her.
  • a black handheld book- his spellbook
  • a ritual book and a history book
  • a dagger with a rat's skull set into the pommel
  • a knife carved from bone
  • a thief tarokka card
  • a little tin box he keeps in his coat

Design Notes
  • helmet + hood. hood is not attached to his coat or helmet. the lines in his helmet are sort of engravings. the decorative horns on his helmet are mostly flat-ish, not round or full.
  • armor chestpiece and boots are much cheaper looking than his helmet. they seem to be decorative and dont actually protect much.
  • coat is tattered, dull, and dirty, and clothes are dishevled and sloppy, as if they were thrown on in a rush or as if he doesnt care about his appearance, with sleeves rolled up and torn at the shoulder. shoulder, upper sides, and bottom of coat have old, dark stains, but they arent very noticable.
  • wears sleeves/gloves half the time when in public only for rp purposes but you will never catch me drawing them bc i think theyre lame lol.
  • arms are phantasmal, ghostly and slightly transparent, but still completely physical and in tact. lean and blue to teal in color. arm bones are visible.
  • always has white, clean bandages messily wrapped around arms.