


1 year, 5 months ago


Antonio lives in Alola, and can always be found at the beach. Antonio is an Ex-member of Team Plasma, and his current occupation is a regular trainer-- as he often loves to battle young trainers so that he can give them advice. Antonio fights with an all-water-type team, and his partner pokémon is his trusted Simipour. Antonio has had his Simipour since it was a Panpour, which he obtained as a young child. The bond he has with his pokémon is beyond admirable, as it is always in-sync with him.

While working for Team Plasma, Antonio fell in love with Colress. Antonio kept his feelings secret for the most part, but he was never very secretive-- as he often made sure to see Colress whenever he could. Colress began to develop feelings for Antonio as well, but he wouldn't admit it. After Colress disbanded from Team Plasma, Antonio returned to being a normal trainer, before moving to the Alolan region to pursue his beloved hobby of fishing-- aspiring to do more research on other water-type pokémon. He was reunited with Colress when the man arrived to help with Necrozma, and the two would later start their formal relationship afterwards.