


1 year, 5 months ago


"Bossman", genderless (usually male-presenting), Very Old, height varies

a shapeshifting dimensional parasite that feeds off the energy of whatever universe he invades. preferred method of attack is to cause chaos by masquerading as various people of importance in order to feed off the instability of the universe; though his final goal is always to consume the most powerful being in said universe, though he typically gets banished before he can achieve that

manifested many millennia ago from the residual chaotic energy left after another universe was born; despite his nature as a chaos being whose destiny cannot be predicted, paradoxically all of his life has already been pre-written by the Avatar of Creation - a fact which he greatly resents. tries to go against AOC in every way he can despite them both knowing that he can never win

due to his nature as a dimensional parasite, he is forced to consume universal energy or else he'll disappear. understands that and the fact that others will despise him for what he does very well and finds amusement in it. basically a sort of obligate carnivore but he's an asshole about it

occasionally mingles with other chaos beings like aivori and the librarian; while by nature dimensional parasites are very territorial, they can sometimes work together to achieve a common goal. bossman has been banned from the Eternal Library but visits every now and then anyway, to the dismay of the librarian. refuses to work there as, like aivori, despite the fact that the library can provide him with chaos energy he really dislikes the sedentary lifestyle

is disliked by pretty much all organisations tasked with keeping the universal balance; some, like the voidsent, consider him a mere pest while others view him as enemy number one

as he is a shapeshifter, he does not have a "true form", and merely alters his physical body to be more in-line with the standards of whichever universe he's in; however he feels most comfortable as a chimeric abomination

more tba but wow i actually wrote this down in a somewhat coherent manner