Umishi Pelago



1 year, 5 months ago


-Age: 20+ years old, has been off the grid for a while now and simply wanders the Alternian seas.

-Occupation: Pirate captain

-gender: they/he/she

-strife specibus: trademark weapon is a harpoon gun. the harpoon is attached by a chain. shoots the harpoon into opponent and drags them closer. can detach the harpoon from the gun and use the harpoon as a spear. may occassionally use pistols and/or physical combat.

-Witch of Space

-Sign: Aquago (Sign of the Esoteric)

-Typing quirk: //// The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

- associated with the number 4, but not explicitly

- 6'11"

- Based on the Umibozu--a japanese yokai that only appears after a calm ocean disrupting the waters to overturn ships and drown sailors. Their name in kanji (海死) also stand for "death at sea." Also based on Pelagia noctiluca, one of the deadliest species of jellyfish.

- likes to be warm, prefers warm, tropical climates. summer

- hate the smell of smoke/tobacco

- killed their own lusus (around the age of 13), a giant flying purple stinger jellyfish. simply thought their lusus was a hindrance to them. however, since they are now considered a cullbait troll they have been on the run from the empire.

- Has a bit of a quiet, "wait and see" demeanor. May often purposely withhold information just to see what chaos would ensue. Will only be helpful if they want to be, if someone else seems useful to them. Willing to play the long con, not even because they're lying, but because they personally feel sharing certain information is simply not necessary or beneficial (to them, or what they personally believe to be for others LOL). The real "puppetmaster" of things.

- "i simply just didn't see it as relevant to bring up."

- the person you would least expect to be kind of a little shit. enabler behavior. plays quiet on purpose.

- seems kind and gentle upon first impression

- knows how to play their cards right.

- will be PISSED if others wake them up too early if they are not fully rested. Can become easily annoyed if someone is too persistent/things don't go their way.