
9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




War Machine Mechani


Traveler/Cloaked Wonder-er/Wayfarer




Shy at first, slow to trust and to warm up to other travelers, however once comfortable she very talkative and hyperactive. She is kind, but when hurt or threatened she isnt afraid to toss travelers around with her scarves or wire a war machine against them. FANDOM Journey SETTING She spends most of her time down in the underground passage but she also likes to come up to check on the war machine factory and scavenge for metal pieces in the snow (hence the fur trimming)

A long time ago, Nilin was one of the few who helped design, create and power the War Machines that tore communities and lives apart. After all that happened and almost everyone was wiped out, she ran in exile, knowing she could no longer face anyone for the things she had helped do, and the monsters she helped create. She loves the war machines like babies but she is upset and disappointed in their final use.

However its her undying love for them that keeps them going. Nilin often goes back to where they were first produced and where they fought to bring them back to life or scavenge from them to create more. However over time, being away from others made her more and more lonely to the point where the materials used to make War Machines began to change and corrupt her. Her robes were dyed black and grey, her scarf split into eight and she grew a horrible mouth filled with hundreds of teeth. She is now, quite literally, filled with the life force of the War Machines. She can spit the life force out in clumps.

It works similar to how acid works, however being touched by it first causes the other Travelers scarf to be eaten away. Longer exposure will result in the dissolving of the robes and Travelers themselves until there is nothing left.

-Nilin can control her scarves like appendages as a mutation of life force. She uses them to carry large objects, reach for far away objects and hold enemies away from her, lifting them up and spitting acid onto them.

-The teeth in her mouth fall out and grow back like a sharks do. One cannot even see she has a mouth until she opens it.

-Like the War Machines, her normal and happy colour is cyan blue. However, when she is confused, worried or sad, she turns orange/yellow. When she is mad she turns red. The life force colour also changes with her.

-She wants to learn how to befriend Travelers again because sometimes the War Machines just aren't enough company. However she is so shy and afraid of how they will treat her, she hides away and avoids them on most occasions.

-She can communicate and understand what the War Machines 'say'.