


1 year, 4 months ago


Slime guy. 24. 1.92 meters tall. Weighs 72.8 kg.

Works as a nightshift janitor at a supermarket.

Hunted by the HotS (Hunters of the Supernormal) (Yes, they wrote "supernormal" instead of "supernatural".), he has to cover himself at all times, in order to be seen as only an antisocial weirdo. Mostly covered, but there is a small angle from which you can see his chin. The height needed to see it is around the height of an infant or toddler.

Lives in a shack in the woods connected by tunnel to an apartment 300 meters away in the city. He rents the apartment but routes water and electricity into the shack.

Physiologically (well, technically not but you get the point):

He is comprised entirely of fluids (mostly water and food coloring (he likes blue)). He holds himself together by... an as of yet unwritten mean :P. Any visible and some invisible (150 nm to 700 nm) body of fluid that comes into contact with him is "claimed" and he can control it as if it was a part of him. Minimum volume for this interaction is 5 μL, and there is an as-of-yet unknown upper limit. He can also "unclaim" a body of water.

Perception is done through two methods: "eyes" and touch. First off, his slime can sense vibrations as well as simple sensory input of contact. This allows him to train himself to be attuned to speech. Secondly, he may produce "eyes", which are white ovoids floating in the slime. The mechanism of the eyes are as yet unknown.

Generally, he is more slippery than slimy, although he may alter that to his will. Furthermore, physical contact usually results in the contacter "entering" into him, as he is not very solid (although again, it bends to his will). In an interview (yes, he has been in an interview. Not public though. Long story, save it for another time), he has stated that he "liked the intimacy and warmth [of engulfing another]."

Usually takes on the form of a humanoid, though modifications of his form to aid in certain task (e.g. stealing the PARMESAN OFF THE TOP SHELF SERIOUSLY EVERY TIME YOU COME TO MY).

Likes Italian food.